Health & Safety - Organisational Roles & Responsibilities



Academies Enterprise Trust (“AET” hereafter known as the ‘Trust’) has a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and others.

Everyone employed by the Trust is responsible for health, safety and welfare (see Employees’ Responsibilities), but where specific duties are given, these are recorded in the following pages. Individuals are expected to draw to the attention of the appropriate manager, any gaps or omissions which they believe would improve the Trust’s Health and Safety Arrangements.

Academies will ensure they implement and follow the Trust’s policy. To demonstrate how the policy is implemented, each academy is required to complete a Health and Safety Plan following the Trust template which is available on #OneAET - Health and Safety. This Plan includes the names of those with local responsibility, including the composition of the local Health and Safety Committee. It also includes links to other relevant local policy and procedural documentation such as emergency evacuation, local business continuity plan, disaster recovery, lockdown, first-aid, and educational visits.

All employees

All employees means any person employed by the Trust or its academies who have any contract of employment. This includes full/part-time staff, job share and temporary or permanent supply staff as well as volunteers.

All employees have individual legal and moral responsibilities to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and for others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

In particular, employees must:

  • Comply with the Trust’s Health and Safety Policy and procedures at all times, particularly procedures for accident and incident reporting, fire, first aid and other emergencies;

  • Each employee has a responsibility to read the health and safety and policy, and make particular note of procedures and risk assessments associated with their area and activity of work. These documents are accessible by all employees via #OneAET - Health and Safety;

  • All employees must become familiar with Health and Safety, identify hazards, know how to manage or reduce the risks, and promote safety awareness of others and themselves by localised training and accessing central resources on #OneAET - Training;

  • Use all work equipment and substances in accordance with instruction, training and information received;

  • Concerns about students’ health, safety and welfare should be reported to the Headteacher and the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the appropriate person as per the academies procedures;

  • Concerns about Health and Safety related to the curriculum should be raised with the relevant Line Manager;

  • Inform your Line Manager, or the Health and Safety Committee if you consider there are any shortcomings in the academy’s health and safety procedures as well as suggestions for improvement;

  • Report to your Line Manager any hazard, concerns or defects in equipment found in your workplace;

  • Report all accidents, incidents and near misses (an incident that could have led to injury but did not) in line with current procedure Accident & Incident Reporting. Guidance for using the system can be accessed via Guidance: AssessNET – General guidance and AssessNET on #OneAET - Accident reporting;

  • Exercise good standards of orderliness and cleanliness whilst conducting your work activities;

  • Co-operate with appointed Health and Safety Coordinators;

  • Make yourselves aware of who is representing you at the Health and Safety Committee (i.e. Employee Safety Representatives, or Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives).

Employees, who during the course of their duties are required to visit premises other than their normal place of work, must comply with localised procedures and Health and Safety information specific to that site. This includes going on educational trips or visits with students - see Offsite Educational Trips and Visits Policy.

Headteacher / Principal

The Headteacher is responsible and accountable to the Trust and Local Governing Board for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.

In addition to the points set out in the employee section, the Headteacher is responsible for setting up and monitoring systems to ensure that:

  • The Trust Health and Safety Policy, the academy Health and Safety Plan, and other relevant procedures and information are brought to the attention of all staff;

  • Adequate First Aid procedures exist, including the provision of sufficient First Aiders and appointed persons, and that all staff are aware of the arrangements;

  • Accidents, incidents and near misses are reported using the established Accident and Incident procedure - further information at #OneAET - Accident reporting;

  • Allow Health and Safety Employee and Trade Union representatives to carry out their functions;

  • Health and Safety audits and inspections are dealt with and monitored with sufficient priority; actions must be dealt with in consultation with relevant colleagues, i.e. Building Operations for premises, Department Heads for curriculum, Technicians for Science or D & T etc;

  • Health and Safety training needs are identified to ensure staff are competent and appropriate arrangements are made for training to be delivered and tracked, see further information at #OneAET - Training;

  • Fire drills must be carried out once per term as a minimum (3 times per year) and recorded. Any actions must be followed up in consultation with relevant support, i.e. Building Operations Team or Health and Safety Coordinator;

  • Risk Assessments must be undertaken for all Health and Safety hazards identified in all areas of the academy and all activities (examples include; classrooms, external areas, off-site trips and visits etc) For template risk assessments see #OneAET - Risk Assessment Templates;

  • In conjunction with the local Building Operations Team, arrangements are in place for appropriate cooperation, coordination and risk management between the Academy and Contractors;

  • In conjunction with the local Building Operations Team, ensure that all actions from compliance reports are completed within the recommended time frames - Fire Risk Assessment, Access Audit and Asbestos survey;

  • All academy staff are aware of any asbestos located in their academy with a copy of the survey held at reception and accessible by all - the Headteacherl must act as the Responsible Person at their academy;

  • Health and Safety matters which cannot be resolved locally are raised with the Local Governing Board or School Support Services via;

  • Ensure the Leadership Team and Middle Leaders are regularly appraised of Health and Safety matters and understand the importance of compliance in this area and cascade relevant information and responsibility to their teams;

  • Ensure that a first aid risk assessment is undertaken and adequate first aiders are in place;

  • Ensure Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are undertaken where appropriate and monitored;

  • Ensure all staff receive adequate Health and Safety induction;

  • Ensure there are adequate staff assigned to the appropriate Health and Safety roles for the academy’s needs.

Deputy/Assistant Headteachers and members of the Leadership Team

In addition to the points set out in the employee section they are:

  • Responsible for ensuring the Headteachers’ duties are met on a day-to-day basis as disseminated by the Headteacher;

  • Responsible for carrying out the duties of the Headteacher in the absence of the Headteacher, as nominated;

  • Responsible for ensuring Health and Safety training is appropriately prioritised as part of overall responsibility for staff development;

  • Ensure the appropriate member of the Senior Leadership Team will carry out investigations into accidents involving students that occur and record appropriately;

  • Ensure the correct use of the Trust’s Health and Safety management systems and procedures.

Heads of Departments / Directors of Curriculum Areas / Building Operations Supervisors

In addition to the points set out in the employee section they are responsible for implementing the Health and Safety Policy within their department or area of responsibility. In particular, (but not exhaustive) they are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that activities under their control are carried out, so far as is reasonably practicable, safely and without risk to health by ensuring departmental risk assessments are completed, acted on and relevant staff are made aware of the outcomes;

  • Monitoring their workplace by carrying out inspections of their areas and equipment on a regular basis and keeping records;

  • Ensuring external inspections and servicing of equipment is carried out in line with the relevant legislation and manufacturers’ guidelines;

  • Ensuring that all employees, contractors and visitors working in, or entering their area of control are familiar with the relevant safety procedures

  • Ensuring all work equipment is suitable for purpose and maintained in a safe condition at all times;

  • Ensuring substances/products are suitable for purpose and are safely used and stored in an appropriate manner

  • Ensuring Health and Safety is an agenda item and minuted at departmental meetings

  • Ensuring the competence of staff under their control by identifying training needs, arranging for the necessary information, instruction and ensuring adequate supervision.

  • Notifying the Leadership Team member responsible for Health and Safety of any safety issues that cannot be resolved at a local level;

  • Ensuring First Aid and Fire Procedures are complied with;

  • Recording, reporting and investigating all accidents and incidents within their areas of control, using the academy’s Accident Reporting procedure;

  • All employees in their department are consulted on issues affecting their Health and Safety;

  • Ensuring the Trust’s Health and Safety management systems and procedures are followed;

  • Ensuring departmental handbooks are in place and department specific inductions are undertaken which cover relevant Health and Safety information necessary for a safe environment.

Line Managers

In addition to the points set out in the employee section they are:

  • Responsible for ensuring the staff they line manage are aware of their responsibilities around Health and Safety, know where to access information and training;

  • To escalate relevant Health and Safety suggestions and feedback to the Health and Safety Coordinator and Leadership staff member responsible for Health and Safety

Class Teachers

In addition to the points set out in the employee section, a teacher is responsible for:

  • Being aware of and act on any emergency procedures in respect of fire, first aid and any special safety measures (e.g. management of a person who experiences a disability or illness) and to adapt his/her own teaching areas to ensure that they are applied;

  • Exercising effective supervision of students and others in the work area to promote and maintain safe working, teaching and learning practices;

  • Ensuring students’ and other peoples’ coats, bags and cases are safely stowed away.

  • Integrating all relevant aspects of safety into the teaching process and if necessary give special lessons on safety;

  • Following safe working procedures personally;

  • Using personal protective equipment (PPE) and operate safe working procedures etc. when necessary;

  • Making recommendations and suggestions for improving Health and Safety to your line manager;

  • Recording safety arrangements as part of your lesson plan;

  • Assessing risk in your classroom and/or area of work, and carry out any necessary risk assessments to ensure all risks are identified and mitigated;

  • Familiarising yourself with any risk assessments relevant to your subject and area as well as any safe systems of work;

  • Ensuring the Trust’s Health and Safety management systems and procedures are followed

Health and Safety Employee Representatives

The Trust actively encourages the appointment of Health and Safety Employee Representatives. These representatives should be chosen by workers who act to represent them. Alternatively if a worker is interested in supporting the Health and Safety Coordinator to carry out their duties they can be appointed by the Health and Safety Coordinator. Health and Safety Employee Representatives should In addition to the points set out in the employee section:

  • Pursue employee Health and Safety concerns with the Health and Safety Coordinator, or appropriate Line Manager;

  • Undertake any safety project as the position allows and is agreed by the Health and Safety Coordinator and their Line Manager;

  • Attend the Health and Safety Committee meetings.

First Aiders

First Aiders, in addition to the points set out in the employee section, are responsible for:

  • The administration of First Aid, up to but not exceeding the level of training received.

  • Ensuring that any accident/incident and/or treatment given is recorded fully on the appropriate forms/system - #OneAET - Accident reporting;

  • At regular intervals, sending a copy of the accidents and incidents to the Health and Safety Coordinator for analysis;

  • Reporting immediately to the Headteacherl or relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team/Health and Safety Coordinator; all incidents/accidents requiring the attendance of a student, member of staff or any other person to hospital - #OneAET - Accident reporting;

  • Ensuring that all spillages of body fluids are cleared up promptly using the appropriate equipment; this can be delegated to any cleaner on duty;

  • Maintaining stocks in First Aid kit / box;

  • Ensuring the appropriate documentation and information is completed and that reportable accidents are reported to the appropriate or Responsible Person as soon as possible after dealing with the immediate effects. All accidents/incidents must be recorded on the Trust’s Accident and Incident reporting system - #OneAET - Accident reporting;

  • Ensuring her/his own recommended immunisations/injections are up to date;

  • Reporting to HR any illness or injuries which would preclude her/his ability to administer First Aid, in order that alternative cover can be arranged.

Fire Wardens

The Class Teacher of a class will act-up as temporary Fire Warden during fire-drill or evacuations. Fire Wardens will be appointed in line with the risk assessment and should comprise both teaching and support staff. Fire evacuation must be considered for any third party letting policy/contracts:

  • They are responsible for ‘sweeping’ either their classroom and associated rooms e.g. Preparation Room or the rooms allocated to them (the Responsible Person will clarify this);

  • They will give assistance to any person requiring help and those with a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan);

  • Appointed Fire Wardens will be selected by the Responsible Person;

  • Once appointed and having completed your fire warden training introduce yourself to staff and new employees to explain your role;

  • If you have any concerns, discuss them with the Responsible Person.

Emergency Controller

This will be a senior person on duty:

  • Each day their name shall be displayed on a Fire Board at the main reception;

  • They are responsible for the smooth running of the evacuation procedures and fire drills;

  • They will collect the Fire Grab Bag from the main Reception (information in the Grab Bag will also be stored in the Metal Fire Wall Mounted Box);

  • Identify self on arrival to the Fire Officers and give information as required;

  • They will complete the Fire Drill or Evacuation Evaluation Form immediately after the exercise and pass it to the Responsible Person to process any actions;

  • The Emergency Controller shall arrange for a deputy, or deputies to carry out the above duties if they have to leave the site

Fire Lead

Is the Office Manager or link person to PFI (where appropriate):

  • They are responsible for appointing Fire Wardens;

  • Liaising with the relevant personnel to ensure Fire Wardens and all employees receive fire training;

  • Assume Emergency Controller duties when the Emergency Controller is not on site;

  • Liaise with the PFI Contractors to ensure all fire/emergency tests, maintenance, servicing and inspections are completed;

  • Re-activate the Fire Control Panel after a drill/emergency

Educational Visits Coordinator

Educational Visit Group Leader

  • Has overall responsibility for the supervision and conduct of the visit including direct responsibility for the students’ health, safety and welfare;

  • Must be approved by the Headteacher to carry out the visit, be suitably competent and have reasonable knowledge of the Academy and the Trust’s policies, arrangements and procedures;

  • #OneAET - Educational Visits Policy and documentation #OneAET - Educational Visits.

Health and Safety Coordinators

The Health and Safety Coordinators’ specific duties include:

  • Assisting the Headteacher in the implementation and ongoing use of the Trust’s Health and Safety Management System ;

  • Dissemination of Health and Safety information to staff;

  • Ensuring adequate first aid provision and cover - #OneAET - First Aid;

  • Ensuring every department has suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place, and that these have been reviewed by a competent person, for example, the Head of PE or Science;

  • Ensuring that an appropriate level of first-aid cover is in place throughout the academy’s opening hours - including before and after school;

  • Receiving accident, incident and near miss information and check the information is fully completed. All incidents and near misses must be recorded on the Assessnet, the Trust’s Health and Safety Management System via the Academy’s specific recording procedure;

  • Providing statistical data via Assessnet, the Trust’s Health and Safety Management System to the local Governing Board;

  • Ensuring managers have completed accident, incident and near miss investigation where allocated;

  • Supporting the investigation of all RIDDOR reportable incidents and randomly select, for review, the investigations into non RIDDOR reportable incidents. This will assist in identifying patterns and trends and ensure that the correct procedures are being implemented.

  • Ensuring all Health and Safety procedures and forms remain valid and up-to-date and are used appropriately.

  • Ensuring defects, unsafe conditions, unsafe acts, hazards and dangerous occurrences are promptly dealt with and, as necessary, discussed with the local Governing Board and Headteacher.

  • Ensuring employees, visitors and contractors comply with the Health and Safety policy and procedures of the academy.

  • Monitoring and observing behaviour and work activities as required by the Health and Safety Policy and procedures.

  • Attending the Health and Safety Committee Meetings and provide data on accidents and incidents, etc.

Health and Safety Trade Union Representatives

  • Health and Safety Trade Union Representatives will be allowed to investigate dangerous occurrences and potential hazards, pursue employee complaints and carry out academy inspections within a directed time but wherever practicable, outside teaching time;

  • Will be consulted on Health and Safety matters affecting their members following a request for a meeting with a Health and Safety Coordinator;

  • Will be given information, e.g. about RIDDOR accidents and safety plans upon request from the Health and Safety Coordinator;

  • Are paid for time off to train for and carry out Health and Safety functions;

  • Health and Safety Trade Union Representatives should complete TUC stage 1 & 2 safety training and will be supported in other training as part of their general employee duties, or to further develop their safety knowledge where the Health and Safety Coordinator feels appropriate;


Students have no particular responsibility in the implementation of the Trust’s Health and Safety Policy, however they are expected to:

  • Exercise personal responsibility for the Health and Safety of themselves and others;

  • Observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene;

  • Observe the Health and Safety rules of the academy and, in particular, the instructions of staff given in an emergency;

  • Use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for their Health and Safety;

  • Report any accidents or incidents to a member of the teaching staff, or their form tutor;

  • Students can elect Student Safety Representatives and they can address concerns with the relevant managers, or the Health and Safety Coordinators;

  • Student Safety Representatives can be invited to attend the Academy’s Health and Safety Committee.

Building Operations Assistant / Building Operations Supervisor

In addition to the points set out in the employee section, are responsible for:

  • Supervising site management of the building and all external areas; including servicing and inspections, general premises maintenance, building works, redecorations etc;

  • Identifying defects relating to the premises/premises associated equipment and dealing with them;

  • Gaining relevant approval from either Building Operations Manager or Central Estates team;

  • Where premises defects cannot be immediately dealt with the Building Operations Assistant or Supervisor is responsible for ensuring appropriate interim measures are taken, in order to make the area safe and ensuring effective communication to academy staff regarding any works;

  • The safe operation of the academy’s swimming pool (where appropriate);

  • All local statutory fire related servicing and testing undertaken and compliant within recommended time frames - e.g. monthly or quarterly sprinklers, alarm servicing, fire extinguisher servicing, weekly fire alarm tests etc ;

  • Liaising with building and grounds maintenance contractors and monitoring their compliance with required standards;

  • Carrying out duties safely as required by the Building Operations Manager and Central Estates team;

  • Ensuring the correct use of the Trust’s Health and Safety management systems and procedures;

  • Ensuring relevant statutory checks are undertaken and recorded with regards to electrics, gas, fire, lighting, lifts, lightning conductors, plant and tools;

  • Ensuring all visiting contractors have the relevant RAMS, insurances and training;

  • Ensuring all contractors are either escorted or have DBS checks;

  • Ensuring all actions and recommendations within Fire Risk Assessments, Health and Safety Audits, Fixed Wiring reports, Asbestos Surveys and Legionella Risk Assessments are dealt with in consultation with other relevant colleagues e.g. Headteacher for Fire Risk Assessment, Asbestos Survey, and Health and Safety Audit;

  • Ensuring all Building Operations members within their line management are adequately trained to fulfil their role, i.e. swimming pool operator, specific machinery operator, sprinkler system etc

School Support Services

  • Support the academies by providing templates, documents and policy and procedures;

  • Analyse Health and Safety Plans and audits to ensure support and training can be provided in the appropriate areas;

  • Arrange for a Health and Safety auditor to visit each academy to check on Health and Safety matters;

  • Provide and Health and Safety named qualified person to oversee Health and Safety for the Trust;

  • Support the Trust with their analysis of the Health and Safety information

Academy Local Governing Boards

  • The Local Governing Board oversees health, safety and welfare matters at the academy and will ensure that the necessary resources and training is requested and provided;

  • A member of the Local Governing Board will be designated with responsibility for Health and Safety. Typically this will be the same member who has designated responsibility for Safeguarding;

  • The effective implementation of the policy will be reviewed as part of the internal and external auditing of academies on a risk based approach, and this will be reported on annually;

  • The Local Governing Board is responsible for ensuring a termly Health and Safety committee meeting is held and the Health and Safety Plan is up to date and the academy is meeting their commitments to the Health and Safety of the students, staff, visitors, and volunteers.

The AET Board of Trustees and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

  • The Board and CEO will oversee health, safety and welfare matters and will ensure the necessary resources and training is provided;

  • A member of the Board is designated with the responsibility for Health and Safety. Typically this will be the same Board member who has designated responsibility for Safeguarding;

  • As well as an annual review of the Health and Safety Policy, the effective implementation of the policy will be reviewed as part of the internal and external auditing of academies on a risk based approach, and this will be reported on annually.

Accident reporting

All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported in line with current procedure as detailed in Accident & Incident Reporting #OneAET - Accident reporting.