

Directions: For your assessment, you will be completing an infographic over Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” or Mary Shelley's “Frankenstein”. This is a visual representation of the development of the theme throughout the story.

Goal: To visually show how the central idea(theme) develops in the story through: Mood, Tone, Setting, Characters, and Plot. You may chose to do this project on your own poster boards, or use the programs piktochart: or Prezi(You will Identify your choice on your rubric).

Step 1: Pick a theme (this will be the middle or start of your infographic)

Central Idea(Theme) Ideas to help you get started:

~Obsession can lead to “bad”decisions/ actions

~Guilt will betray you

~Insanity is subjective

~Monsters are not born; they are created by circumstance

~You can love and hate someone

~Your choice (Must get teacher approval first)

Step 2: Label your 5 “main branches/sections”(one topic per branch/section): Mood, Tone, Setting, Characters, and Plot

Step 3: For each “main branch/section” you will create a minimum of 3 “sub- branches/sections”

These “sub- branches/sectoin” must have the following: (minimum requirements)

1. 3 pictures representing your idea(must cite unless you draw it)

2. 3 words representing your idea

3. 3 quotes with a detailed explanation of how each quote develops the central idea (Also cited correctly)

Grading: Criteria A

(7-8 Sample from LOTR)