Book Talks

Book Talks

Every 2-3 days we will begin class with a book talk. You will need to maintain a 5 minute conversation with your elbow-buddy, regarding the book you are reading. If you run out of things to say, please refer to the list below.

  • What book are you reading, and how far into it are you?
  • What is the genre, narrative, style, structure, etc…?
  • Is there a plot? If so, what stage of the plot arc are you on?
  • What do you think the theme is so far? How do you know?
  • What do you like about it? Why?
  • What don’t you like? Why?
  • What would you change?
  • Make Predictions. What do you think will happened next? How will it end?
  • Discuss the characters and the words used. Have you learned anything new?
  • Is there any figurative language used? If so, what?
  • Discuss the imagery. Is it any good? Can you picture it in your mind?
  • What other books, movies, games, or T.V. shows does it remind you of?
  • Would you recommend this book? Why/ why not?
  • What type of people might like this book? Be specific.

If you are the listener, it is your job to ask questions to keep the speaker going. If they run out of things to talk about in the first two minutes, refer to the list above.

If you do not have a book, you will need to explain to your partner why you came unprepared and apologize for doing so. You will still need to engage in a reading-based conversation… perhaps your partner can help you discover a book you would like to read.