Google Searches

Multiple words are searched independently and not necessarily in order. Google defaults to putting “AND” in between each word of your search.

Quotation Marks can be used to narrow down results: Searches for an exact phrase.

Example: “Stop and Listen and Collaborate” will search for those exact words in those order.

Dash or subtract key - takes things out

Example: Cardinal =brings up sports teams

Cardinals -st =Takes out the st and removes St. Cardinals.

Ellipses allows for a range of time periods

Example: 1946..1956

OR. Adds one or the other, not AND.


* acts like a wild card, if you don’t know the rest of a phrase (only one that needs a space)

$ only works for prices of things

# searches for trends

@ a specific person or website


Type after keywords to bring up a specific website

Example: black-footed ferret (as opposed to “black-footed ferret”)

Example: Law school vs. law school


Example: Life cycle of stars filetype:pdf

Could also use doc or jpeg

More options through advanced search

Advanced Search for details but has a lot of steps

Spelling and word order matters

Instant result panel shows up on right column (good for quick, easy information)

Can enter “Define” before a word, it will always define it.

Can enter “timer” and it will go right to it.

Example: 10 second timer (hit enter, and it immediately goes into that)

Type a movie title and get show times for nearest theater

Search Tools button: Can adjust how recently the information was posted (current events). Custom range for certain dates.

Image search: Under Search tools and Usage Rights, select “Labeled for Reuse” to get images that are not under copyright. Can also select by color. Also look for large pictures, for better resolution. Also try Creative Commons. (View video for details)

GMAIL and Drive: Little arrow to find options.

Google Scholar: Reputable searches from trusted sources.

Voice Search for spelling and definitions. Good for searching. Try "Photosynthesis" or another big word you are unsure how to spell.

Power Searching With Google (gives tips on how to use google effectively)

A Google a Day (Difficult Scavengers hunt for students)