Quest 1: Building the Tribe

It’s been a wonderful first ever week in the studio. Eagles brought so much energy with them each day. Our first day brought about new faces, new places, and new friends. We experienced the normal first day jitters (mostly from Mrs. Carla, I think), but they were quickly dispelled by teamwork and the fun of working together on our first project!

This week we started our first Writer's Workshop, Physical Development, Art with a Sea of Japan drawing, and awarded our first badges!

This week we continued the contract game, judged Lip Dubs from Actons all over the world, became First Aid certified, continued Writer's Workshop on poetry, art, and celebrated 2 birthdays!

This week we learned about snakes and the ones that are venomous in our area, continues Writer's Workshop on poetry through revisions, did artwork with clay, and celebrated a birthday and 2 badges!

This week we planned and prepared for our first Exhibition, wrapped up our Writer's Workshop on poetry through publication, and did more clay artwork. We capped the week and session off with our Core Skills of Learning Exhibition.