#3: Commercial Jingle

Project #3: Commercial Jingle

Essential Outcomes: Students will …

  • Create an original 8-16 measure Commercial “Jingle” for a Product.

  • Record & Map out Original Musical Ideas

  • Create Original Lyrics

  • Record Vocal Audio

  • Utilize editing skills by extending & trimming loops

  • Mix/Balance Tracks

  • Use Critical Listening skills to adjust volume and balance each track

  • Give & Receive Critique


  1. Log-in to our MusicFirst Classroom & open the "Commercial Jingle" Task. Click 'Open in SoundTrap' in the top right-hand corner.

  2. In SoundTrap, Enter Studio & select New Music Project ~ ADD Ms. Moss as a Collaborator.

  3. Pick any product you would like to musically "sell". (Candy, Fast Food, Cars, Cleaning Products, Medicine, Insurance, etc. You could even do something like a Political Ad, or an anti-smoking Ad. The choice is YOURS.)

  4. Spend time brainstorming about your Product & decide which main themes/points/facts best depict your product? You may use this WORKSHEET to help.

  5. Set-up your project with a variety tracks/loops/instruments ~ Try to use at least 4 different tracks.

    • What are some Words that describe what is good about your project?

    • Think of Rhyming words that could be used in lyrics.

    • Brainstorm some possible Lyrics.

    • What Musical Elements/Sounds/Instruments could you use?

  6. Record yourself, or someone else to speak about your product. This could be short or long!

  7. Utilize a variety of Effects (Reverb, Panning, Treble/Bass, Compressor, etc.) to highlight the feel of your Commercial.

  8. Adjust volume levels of each track with the volume knob located in the track header for each instrument.

  9. SAVE your Project.

Drafts Due: Wed. 12/16 ~ Final Jingles Due: Wed. 12/23

We'll engage in Peer Assessment/Self-Reflection using the following questions as guidelines:

  • What works well in the Jingle?

  • Does the music help set a tone for the product?

  • What patterns or beat instruments worked really well? WHY?

  • Is the Jingle "catchy"?

National Music Technology Standards
CA #1: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.• Enduring Understanding: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources. • Essential Question: How do musicians generate creative ideas?
CA#2: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts• Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent. • Essential Question: How do musicians make creative decisions?
CA#9: Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.• Enduring Understanding: The personal evaluation of musical works and performances is informed by analysis, interpretation, and established criteria. • Essential Question: How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and performance(s)?