Digital Citizenship

Your 'Digital Footprint'

EVERYTHING you post online is part of you and visible to others... You’re never really anonymous. At its core, Electronic Music is created, shared & enjoyed digitally so as we create our music & offer online critique to our peers. Always consider the 'digital footprint' you are leaving behind.


When 'sampling' from other sources, make sure you give credit where credit is due. Fair Use is "the right to copy a portion of a copyrighted work without permission because your use is for a limited purpose, such as for educational use in a classroom or to comment upon & critique." (

Check out more specific information about Musical Copyright Law HERE.

(John S. Armstrong School)

What is it?

A Digital Citizen refers to someone who has the knowledge & skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, as well as create and consume digital content.

Digital Citizenship is about confident and positive engagement with digital technologies in order to develop an understanding of:

  • Digital and Information Literacy

  • Internet Safety

  • Privacy and Security

  • Etiquette and Communication

  • Creative Credit and Copyright

  • Digital Footprint

(Digital Hub Tech-Education Services Australia)
National Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards
9-12.CAS.a: Safety and Security • Evaluate and design an ergonomic work environment. • Explain safe practices when collaborating online, including how to anticipate potentially dangerous situations. • Apply strategies for managing negative peer pressure and encouraging positive peer pressure.
9-12.CAS.c: Interpersonal and Societal Impact• Explain the impact of the digital divide on access to critical information. • Create a digital artifact that is designed to be accessible.• Analyze the beneficial and harmful effects of computing innovations.• Cultivate a positive web presence.
9-12.DTC.a: Digital Tools• Use digital tools to design and develop a significant digital artifact.