Train Times

We cannot guarantee the train times will always be accurate so please check with ScotRail via their app. In the event of cancelled services with appropriate notice we will be able to organise a Bus to Cardross and will notify parents/carers of this via Xpressions.

Craigendoran to Cardross

(Journey Check | Timetable)

Typically Departing Cardross @ 08.10

Cardross to Craigendoran

(Journey Check | Timetable)

Typically Departing Cardross @ 08.10

Craigendoran to Helensburgh Central

(Journey Check | Timetable)

Typically Departing Craigendoran @ 08.10

Helensburgh Central to Craigendoran

(Journey Check | Timetable)

Typically Departing Helensburgh Central @ 08.10

Bus Timetable

2021-22 School Bus Times