Ambition, Respect and Equity

We Are Hermitage

School Calendar

Welcome from Mr Morgan

A very warm welcome to the new Hermitage Academy Website...

The most up to date information that has been shared with our parents, carers and young people can be found in the parents page, under documents.

As a school we very much understand the pressures that families in juggling work, school and home life together. We are extremely grateful for the continued support of our wider school community and would ask that if there is anything at all that we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask by using the ‘contact us’ tab above.

Please highlight your communication for the attention of appropriate House Team member as outlined in the table below.

Links to our Digital Support site can be found on the Digital Support Page which has useful video tutorials and help guides for both pupils and parents. If you need any IT support in addition to this, please do not hesitate to contact us and use ‘IT Support’ as the subject heading.

We will work hard to keep you as informed as possible with regular communications. The Google Site works in conjunction with our website and social media outlets on Facebook and Twitter to form the public facing methods that we will utilise.

We will also communicate with you directly though the Xpressions app, email and by telephone where a more personal approach is required.

I am in regular contact with the Local Authority and with our Parent Council, who have both been continuing to provide invaluable support.

We are here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further support.

  Douglas Morgan

Head Teacher

School Captains

House Teams

To contact the correct member of staff for your child, please see the below poster which identifies the Depute, Guidance teacher and Pupil Support teacher for each house at Hermitage Academy.

If your child is in 3D1, this means they are a part of the Davaar House 1 and you should direct your inquiry to either Mrs Muir (Depute), Mr Arbuckle (Guidance Teacher) or Mrs Brewer (Lead Pupil Support).

HA: Vision and Values.pdf

School Improvement Plan

Link to School Improvement Plan 2023-24

School Communication Booklet

Communications Booklet.pdf

Interactive Links

Communications Methods.pdf