Primary 6

Welcome to the travel agency! We recommended the best holidays, providing information such as the country, capital city, the currency and time zone/ flight time!

Please check in! We will provide your passport and boarding pass!

Baggage drop off! We hope you have removed all dangerous items!

Airport security! Very serious stuff... let's hope you get the green panel! 

 Sniffer dogs at the ready! Making our airport and planes a safe place!

Care to visit our airport duty free? The most random assortment... and accurate prices (not the cheapest!!) 

Money exchange! 

We made it to the plane! Now for the safety announcement!

The best airhostesses! so friendly!

A short week this week, using our CLIC time to practise our tables in an active and fun way! Today we created a counting stick for the 6x. We loved engaging through rhythm and sound/ beat.

Playground star!! Well done!

Term 4 week 3 star of the week!! Well done!

The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings, though they leave much left unexplained. 

They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. 

More simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end. 

I am increasing my knowledge and understanding of different forms of worship and artefacts within world religions and can explain their importance for followers of world religions.                            RME 2-06a 

Life skill maths is our favourite!! Budgeting and handling money, as well as using technology and following a set of instructions/ crtieria!

Finance scenarios

Thank you to the lovely girls for bringing me flowers after lunch time! I love them!

Water tray time! 

Our soft start this morning talked through by p6 pupils, explaining their thought process and using 'abridged' and 'brain' method where they can!

Our confidence to solve fraction, decimal numbers and long multiplication equations has grown significantly this year! 

Our money outcomes this week!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 29.04.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- understanding 6,7,8 and 9 digit numbers

L- long multiplication 3dx3d and 3dx 2d

I- coin multiplication

C-  subtraction with decimals

Term 4 week 2 star of the week!! Well done!

Fire walks at the Kincorth Gramps!

What a relaxing morning reading at our local library!

Term 4 week 1 star of the week!! Well done!

Topic wall underway!

Money money money!

A sneak peak of what our soft start literacy and numeracy activities can look like!

week 1 money targets!

Hey term 4!!

'5 star pizza' effort this morning in our soft start!! discreet and dishevelled were the words the children children could chose from to look up in the dictionary and then write fantastic sentences! Well done Declan and Lance!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 15.04.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- partition 3dp numbers (place value)

L- long multiplication 3dx3d and 3dx 2d

I- dividing decimal numbers by 10,100 and 1000 (place value grids)

C-  addition (any amount) relating to money (decimal numbers)

Welcome to term 4 primary 6! I am so excited to see you all and hear your news! Miss Main x

Term 4


This term we are going to revisit 'non fiction' texts and it's features. We will then move on to 'editing' where the children will peer assess pieces of work and provide constructive feedback. We will then explore 'The World of Work' and develop our understanding of job applications to create our own applications. 

Numeracy/ Maths

This term are math topics are: 


Data analysis

Angels, symmetry and transformation 



Bounce back focuses:

Unit 7 Humour 


Unit 9 STAR 

Planning for choices and changes & substance abuse

Religious and Moral Education

We will focus on World ReligionsThe learning outcomes we will follow:

I can demonstrate the different ways in which people worship within world religions. 

I can explain the importance of certain artefacts within different world religions.

I can demonstrate an understanding of how life events (e.g. birth, marriage and death)

I can demonstrate an understanding of how life events (e.g. birth, marriage and death) are marked within world religions.

I can demonstrate an understanding of the key features of some festivals and celebrations within world religions.


 Interdisciplinary learning/ topic 

This term we are exploring 'World of Work'. Primary 6 are focusing on travel agents for this topic to link the geography interest the children currently have. 

-We will link our money topic to travel agents, exploring currency across the world.

-We will focus on job applications particularly applying for a travel agent and the skills you would need to work in this job.

-We will explore countries and cities across the world and airports related to these and their destinations.

-We will also use our numeracy/money skills to problem solve life skill style questions and book holidays!! The children must follow particular criteria (such as a family of four traveling in October that has a budget of £1,200 flying from Edinburgh...)

-We will explore payment methods and different holiday package companies to compare deals!

Term 3 star of the week!

8th March

15th March

22nd March

2nd February

9th February

23rd February

1st March

12th January

19th January

26th January

We loved experimenting with fairy liquid, sugar and water to make magic bubbles that bounce!

Easter Craft morning with Mark Bush Court!

Buddy time with nursery!

We were very successful at place value equations during our soft start today! We created decimal numbers and multiplied them by 10,100 and 1000.

Our 'experts' for todays maths lesson- probability!

Each day our home screen tool includes an inspirational quote to inspire and motivate us to achieve success! 

Team work to construct our new race track!!

We are loving playing with our water tray!

We have been experimenting with the water and exploring objects destiny. Density is a measure of how heavy something is compared to its size. If an object is more dense than water it will sink when placed in water, and if it is less dense than water it will float.  

Cooperation!! While working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills, demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23a 

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 04.03.24 & 11.03.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- counting in 0.2's (linking to our place value understanding, we recognise that the value of the number after the decimal place is tenths= 10 tenths is one whole) 

L- times tables, doubles, square numbers and prime numbers (specific targets)

I- dividing decimals by 100 and 1000 (place value focus, moving the numbers 2 and 3 spaces to the right)

C-  addition solving 2dp + 1dp (8.67 + 9.8) - making sure we have the same weight on both sides adding a zero to the hundredths column doesn't change the numbers value (so 8.67 + 9.80)

We had so much fun visiting the Kincorth Library! We enjoyed the free time given to browse both fiction and non fiction books to discover our current interests! We all chose a book to bring back to school, and we are loving the time each day in class that we have to dive deep into our stories.

Some of the children enjoyed the shelter for our outdoor learning due to the heavy rain... we still managed to have lots of fun!

Some of the children decided to take the heavy rain fall and turn it into a positive... SAS who dares wins! We had all sorts of army training going on... the wet suits definitely came in handy!

Some of the children made shelter for our outdoor learning in the heavy rain!

Miss Main and the SAS crew!

Classroom updates! We enjoy changing the way our class looks, and the particular zones we have depending on our current interests! 

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 26.02.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C-partitioning 3dp numbers (and using our knowledge of fractions to convert these)

L- learning our prime numbers

I- learning our square numbers

C-  addition several numbers

Quentin Blake! We have loved reading Quentin Blakes stories and exploring his illustrations. We enjoyed designing our characters and bringing them to life, creating our own fiction rhyming books. We studies his cartoon style drawings and recreated our own characters attempting his art style.

Showing some of our fantastic Fractions, decimal and percentage work!

We have had a great day making our own pizzas!! We used our knowledge of fractions to create our 'orders' in the monring, before the cooking commenced!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 05.02.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C-counting along any number line

L- learning our prime numbers

I- learning our square numbers

C-  addition 1d. 1dp add 1d 1.dp!

Visualising fractions!

We are learning to read, understand and convert proper and improper fractions!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 29.01.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- count fourways - counting in fifths

L- factors and primes

I- where's Mully? hiding behind the biggest multiple of __ without going past....

C- division - combining smile multiplication with table facts to solve division

Hello fractions!

Sun for fun 31!

Taste of Scotland afternoon with p6 /7! We loved tasting, smelling and rating our foods!!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 22.01.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- ordering 2dp numbers

L- factors and primes

I- coin multiplication add 3 multiples together 

C- solve 1d multiply by 3d

Fantastic learning in p6!!

4 multiplied by 3

-Read the sum

-Sort corks into the appropriate groups= 4

-Making sure each group has the correct number in each= 3

-Skip counting in 3's to solve the sum

Oobleck Science Experiment!

We now understand that oobleck is a Non-Newtonian fluid that behaves like both a solid and a liquid 

Oobleck is a suspension of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply (a non newtonian fluid). Try to grab some in your hand, and it will form a solid ball in your palm until you release the pressure. Then, it will flow out between your fingers 

We have missed 'working' in the hotel over the winter break!

There were a few opportunities this week to ... have a snow ball fight!!

and some snow angels...

and we found Number Jacks Four in the snow!!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 15.01.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- partitioning 2dp numbers

L- factors and primes

I- Smile multiplication for hundredths 

C- solve 3d-3d

Our first PE session of 2024... we were very excited to have matching PE kits!

High score met on mission multiple!! Excellent job!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 08.01.24

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- reading 9 digit numbers (chunking with m, htth,th,h)

L- multiples and factors

I- jigsaw numbers recap (finding the missing decimal piece)

C -addition (solving 1d. 1dp + 1d. 1dp) 

Term 3


P6 will be exploring poetry this term. We will explore rhyming, similes, metaphors and adjectives to enhance our poems making them interesting. We will explore various styles of poetry and include the Scots phrases we learn.

After midterm, we will be focusing on nonfiction writing. We will produce a factual booklet sampling our understanding of the features in a nonfiction book. These features will include contents page, index page, formal language, glossary, persuasive language and summarising. 

Numeracy/ Maths

P6's current Maths topic is multiples factors and prime numbers. We will then explore chance and uncertainty.

After midterm, our topic will be fractions, decimals and percentages. The last topic of term 3 will be expressions and equations.


Christmas term was very busy so to begin this term we will finish our block relationship, sexual health and parenthood. The resources used to support this topic is found at 

We will then move on to the topic of mental and emotional wellbeing. We will explore courage, being positive/ optimistic and identifying our different emotions and how to deal with them safely.  This topic will coincide with our other wellbeing topic where we explore different foods to promote a balanced diet and we will explore the importance of physical health. 


This term we will learn about earth materials and chemical changes

After midterm, we will explore properties and uses of substances.

 Interdisciplinary learning/ topic 

Our first topic this term is Scotland. The children have chosen to explore Scottish history including the Scottish war of independence.

After midterm, we will explore Quentin Blake  as our artist study. Within our classroom we have several books illustrated by her.

Term 2- Star of the week!

3rd November!

10th November!

1st December!

Party prize winner!

Christmas party food time!

Time in primary 6!

-features of digital and analogue clocks

-converting times from analogue to digital (AM&PM)

-time intervals (calculating durations)

-seasons of the year 

-seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, hours in a day, days in a week, days in a year, months of the year, days of the months

-speed, distance and time!

Soft lighting to help us focus!

Miss Main went on a course that promotes differentiation within the classroom. A significant factor that effects an inclusive classroom is the environment. Unfortunately, our school lighting has very harsh lights that can be unsettling. In primary 6, we love calming lighting to help us concentrate. We produced excellent pieces of writing thanks to not having harsh lighting in our room.

We have been using the tools we have learned and developed in writing, to form excellent high standard pieces of writing. We chose one of the stimulus options, to promote a starting point for our story.

-On Wednesday, we chose our stimulus and wrote out story.

-On Thursday, we edited our work 

-On Friday, we created a colour code and identified our nouns, adjectives, verbs and connectives. We used this opportunity to edit our work again, to add in extra information if we recognised that there was not enough information.

Friday Fun playing chess! We are a competitive lot in primary 6!

What's the time Mr Wolf?

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 13.11.23& 20.11.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- count along (estimating without lines or numbers)

L- factors and multiples (focus on 7x)

I- Pom's factor finding!

C- dividing with smile multiplication

Outdoor learning ... in rain or shine we still love our sessions!

We love our new puzzle station! We can work together or independently to problem solve!

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 06.11.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- counting in fifths (decimal connections)

L- factors and multiples

I- smile multiplication of tenths (decimal multiplication)

C- dividing with smile multiplication

                Guy Fawkes art pictures! 

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 30.10.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- counting in fifths

L- factors and multiples

I- finding the missing decimal piece

C- subtracting using FAB method

Term 2


This term we will use what we have learned about identifying and upscaling nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and connectives to incorporate learn and use similes and metaphors. We will also develop our tools for writing, focusing  on questionnaires and interview questions. We are going to link this to our current IDL topic (David Attenborough) considering what we could ask him. 

Numeracy/ Maths

This term our topics are estimating and rounding and time.

We will develop our understanding of both topics in relation to life skills.


This term we will focus on the topic no bullying. We will explore support resources and strategies, as well as discussing the harms and dangers of bullying. 

Linking this topic to writing, we will explore how to form apologies and create positive relationships with people.

We will also explore relationship, sexual health and parenthood. The resources used to support this topic is found at 

Religious and Moral Education

We will focus on Christianity and  Development of beliefs and values. Our learning will focus on:

Talking about my own beliefs, or express them in other ways. 

Developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.                                                

Developing awareness that some people have beliefs and values which are independent of religion.

Exploring some places and investigating artefacts and developing my knowledge of Christian beliefs and my awareness of the role of Christianity in Scottish society and the world.

Developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.    

 Interdisciplinary learning/ topic 

This term it is the Showtime topic! We will learn about different features of performance through drama, dance, music and art. We will discuss our thoughts and feelings and give constructive comments about our own and others work. We will be reading scripts, learning songs and performing drama scenes in our Christmas show! We are so excited to get started.

Term 1- Star of the week!

25th August!

1st September!

8th September!

15th September!

29th September!

6th October!

13th October!

Our positive effort level!

We are learning to overcome fixed mindsets! The children had to work as a team to create an effort level.  The children chose a pizza and discussed its process to becoming the '5 star finisher'.

We use the  Pizza Planet metre as a discussion point before, within and after learning experiences to reflect on our efforts and attitudes. 

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 25.09.23 and WC 02.10.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- CORE numbers (ordering 2 decimal place numbers)

L- factors and multiples

I- Where's Mully? practising our multiples recognising remainders

C- Using Pim's principle to take a multiple of 10, away from a multiple of 10. 

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 18.09.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- I can partition 2d numbers

L- factors and multiples

I- I can add hundredths

C- addition- I can solve any 3d +3d (adding hundreds in our head)

CLIC (Big Maths)

WC 11.09.23

Our current CLIC targets are:

C- I can read 6,5,4 digit numbers

L- factors and multiples

I- I can double 1d numbers 

C- addition- I can solve any 3d +3d

We love our cosy corner!

p6 enjoy using this area to relax with a book or fidget. We enjoy having cushions and an area within the class that we feel calm.

Class Charter!

From day one within our class room, we discussed how fantastically unique we are. However, we all still belong within the same; class/ school/ community and world. 

The children addressed that they all enjoy different movies and characters- we used this idea to create our charter with the same metaphor. The characters are all unique but we can still watch them all within Disney +.

Our help desk! 

We currently have place value grids, number squares, multiplication grids, 2d shape posters and 3d shape posters available for maths.

We currently have vocabulary sheets available helping us with our current focus:

Identifying and upscaling Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Connectives and exciting openers.

Soft start!

We have been developing our dictionary skills to find the definition for our 'word of the day'.

We then use the word to form a 5 star pizza sentence!

African desert- The Kalahari

We are excellent writers! We have worked so hard to identify Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, adverbs and connectives this term. 

 We are so confident in utilising our literacy resources that we have created our own word banks to support our writing regarding our Kalahari animal project. 

Science! Our Solar System

We have been learning about our solar system, studying each planet and researching interesting facts! We also created fun mnemonics to remind us of the order of the primary planets! We have loved creating mobile solar systems!

We have been learning about the water cycle! Our experiment will show us the water cycle in motion!

We enjoy using the den for more than just reading! The boys in this photo are completing a 'patterns and relationship' interactive numeracy game on their laptops whilst feeling comfortable. 

Term 1


P6 are currently developing our knowledge of  nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and connectives. We will then use this understanding to explore and create diary entries. Diary entries will allow us to explore an important key feature of writing (openers)

Numeracy/ Maths

P6's current Maths topic is 2D and 3D shape. We are also learning about  patterns and relationships of numbers and Maths Week Scotland will be from 25.09.23-01.10.23 where we will work on the themes of 'Maths in our Everyday Lives'


We will focus on mental health and wellbeing and our emotions. From day 1 in p6, we recognise that as well as being the same we are fantastically unique. We explore positive affirmations that encourage and motivate us to try our best!


We will focus on Planet Earth; Processes of the Planet and Space.

 Interdisciplinary learning/ topic 

Our first topic this term was Caring Citizens which  provides us with an opportunity to get to know each other, our learning styles, needs, abilities, work on friendship making and building and creating structures, routines and our UNCRC Class Charters. 

Our current topic is Around the World. We are exploring David Attenborough in Africa.