Support for Learning

Assessing skills in different situations

These learners are encountering problems they understand but in unfamiliar ways. Specifically, these problems lack operational language to tell them what number sentence to make. The learners work in small groups to discuss and justify why they chose that language and then construct a number sentence to solve it.

Supporting Reading

These learners have read their reading book today and are now carrying out tasks to support their fluency, comprehension, and understanding. Specifically, this is a dictation task where I read a sentence from the book and they try to write it perfectly. This helps to develop memory, sense-seeking, spelling, and word retention.

Progress in Writing

These learners are independently checking their work for connectives, openers and punctuation – which they then highlight a particular colour to show progress towards achieving their target. SfL’s role in writing lessons is often supporting learner’s focus and short-term memory, as writing with a focus can be a lot of work at first. Eventually, as with these learners, the support needed reduces a lot.

Great Questions

Questions often open up great learning and teaching opportunities. These learners have asked me if I’ve made a mistake, as I wrote a subtraction calculation but did addition to solve it. This enables us to tie together our recent work on things like switchers and fact families.

All types of learning

Sometimes work doesn’t look like work! A small group of learners did some baking and helped out with gardening tasks. This uses a lot of literacy and numeracy skills while building confidence and pride. Also, they made yummy biscuits. 

Team Effort

These learners have decided that the best way to solve a word problem in maths was to actually carry out the operation by sharing out real things. This helps build the understanding needed when doing calculations in other forms and makes it easier for everyone to help, check and learn.

Showing our Learning

These learners have shown good word problem-solving skills. Specifically, they can search for number words and terms that tell us what type of calculation to do. In this picture they are being the teacher and have created a maths word problem for Mr McCallum to solve. This gives them a chance to show their knowledge and understanding, and have some fun. 

Talking about maths

This learner is talking about how a current task is related to an introductory one worked on weeks ago.  SPecifically they are talking about how the abstract division we were working on today calls back to earlier work with dinosaurs on a grid and placing what was remaining into a drawn box. Calling back to earlier understanding helps to retain knowledge and build understanding as learners use concrete work to explain abstract thinking.

With Remainders

These learners have progressed onto using times tables knowledge, and supports, to divide 2D numbers with remainders. As their times tables knowledge grows they will become faster at this and use the supports less.

Read-y to Learn

This reading group are making great progress on reading fluently,  speaking expressively and showing understanding of what they read. Working as a group allows us to hear, think about and discuss the ideas of others, increasing participation in active learning. 

Shared Success

This group continues to progress in working with dividing 2D numbers with remainders. It's usually a good sign that learning is becoming embedded when learners ask to "just do one more please". These learners are skilled at recording the work they do with concrete resources as number sentences and have noticed the connection with class work on Factor Families. Next week we will create lots of these to show our division learning and begin using these to solve numbers that cannot reasonably be divided with dinosaurs or cubes.

Mo Words, Mo Problems

These learners are working on maths language in word problems. What words mean add, or divide? The easiest task they have here is the calculation itself. Thinking deeply to explain why you know a problem needs subtraction to solve it makes for some great learning opportunities.

Hyphen or Dash?

Sometimes when learning we encounter things that need further investigation. This group of learners  encountered a dash last week - a large line between letters or words that signifies an interruption or hesitation. Differing from a hyphen - used in compound words such as ninety-nine and no-one - the dash was unfamiliar so we marked it as something to look into next week and watched a short video in today's session to learn more about it.

Building understanding.

Learners can feel comfortable using concrete materials, however they are not great tools for more complex calculations. These learners wondered why we weren't using concrete materials to calculate 64/8. I therefore encouraged them to do this as it was a good opportunity for them to build an understanding of both division and which strategies are appropriate. Although we got the correct answer it required a lot of double-checking, took a lot of time, and used a lot of space and resources. However, we did identify that the strategy we had learned today, how to use a times table grid to divide, didn't always help us to fully understand what we were doing - even if it had other advantages. 

Concrete to Abstract maths

These learners have shown they are able with concrete division (sharing out stuff) and are moving to a combination of pictorial and abstract. They are dividing their whiteboards as per the divisor or factor and they are then using pictorials and concrete in combination. Following that they touch on the next step by recording the number sentence in wholly abstract terms.  We are also, as much as possible, using terms such as factor, multiple and product to really build our knowledge and support clearer understanding.

Division skills

These learners are using a factor family structure to learn about the relationships between multiplying and dividing. In this lesson we also showed on our knowledge about division; using terms like share, equal, fair and comparing it to dealing cards in Uno. This last part was particularly important as it allowed learners to understand that certain procedures can be transferred and will support them effectively sharing concrete materials.

Finding supports that meet our needs

Using supports such as concrete materials, times table grids and number lines can enable learners to be successful at more complex tasks without the congnitive load of smaller jobs loading their short term memory.

Answering written questions

We show our knowledge and understanding in multiple forms, whiteboards, verbally, written, on technology or just with fingers. Moving through different forms of recording can keep things fresh and contribute to providing pace and challenge to learners.

Understanding Anxiety Courses at Abbotswell


Autism and Anxiety workshop delivered by Autism Outreach Service


Monday 2nd December 2024 15.45 – 16.45 – Orchard Brae School


This twilight course has been designed for families and professionals and explores understanding the link between anxiety and autism and different ways to support autistic children and young people that are experiencing anxiety. 


Spaces are limited, booking is essential. To book your space please use the link below:


Orchard Brae School

Numeracy Assessment

At the end of a block of input we assess the progress of the skills taught. These learners are doing a task designed to assess their knowledge of the skills needed for skip counting. This involves looking for patterns and using available support tools.

Numeracy Support

In this session one of our activities involved using Feels-Write stones. These are stones with concave grooves learners can run their fingers through to feel the correct formation of a number. This is an important step in learners internalising correct formation and gaining knowledge and confidence in how to write these with pen and pencil.  In these pictures you can see learners using the stones to help them "write" the number on their peer's back with their finger. The other learner then tries to guess the number by recognising the movements, lines and curves they feel.

Writing Support

Today in P6/7 W, P5 and P6 we are continuing to work on our writing with SFL support. Learners can benefit from support for many reasons including English as an Additional Language needs (EAL), a learning difficulty such as dyslexia or many other reasons. Visiting and supporting in classes also helps SFL staff to identify learners who may require support in other areas and discuss future support with them and their teacher.


Numeracy Support

We are continuing to work on counting in 5s and 10s. Many of our learners are now able to use the patterns and relationships to complete a number sequence with minimal use of the number square, as you can see here. Well done!

Numeracy Support

These learners are continuing to work on their knowledge of numbers within the range of 0 - 20. We are repeating a lot of these skills each session using short tasks to return to previous learning. We are also adding in each session by including a new skill. Today we played "higher or Lower". We did this so that the learners would become familiar with the language, would continue to refer to the number line or their internal number concepts and, later on, so that they would begin to think about simple estimates and bracketing. The head teacher has joined us for this lesson as part of our school's quality assurance efforts to ensure that everyone continually improves their practise.

Numeracy Support

This small group of learners have been working hard to develop their skip-counting skills. We have taken a FAB approach to this, first using the Full method, then an Abridged version when confidence has been gained and patterns and relationships between numbers noticed and understood, with a final Brain only method used when it becomes something we "just know". Next week we will share our learning in this area by making videos for our peers! These learners have progressed from skip-cou nting in 10s to skip-counting in 5s and are using an abriged method where becasue they know that the units do not change so all the numbers in this column will be used in the pattern.

Writing Support

SFL continue to support our school on its journey to improved writing attainment.  Here learners have formed their own sentences and used white boards to write a first draft. An adult has then written a further draft with the spelling and presentation improved so that the learner can create a final draft on paper.

Writing Support

Here the P2s are using colourful semantics to construct sentences which they can independently write and check for capital letters, punctuation and finger spaces. SFL support this by encouraging and praising learners and using open questions to encourage learners to reflect on their writing and act on this self-assessment.

Writing Support

Today in P6 we were supporting learners writing stories about Angry Ants. To support this these learners are using their laptops to ensure their writing is legible, get support from apps such as Read&Write and use the laptop for dictation or reading out their work so they can listen and assess for errors. SFL assisted with this by supporting learners to check their targets, stretch themselves by using more challenging punctuation, and assessing if their targets were met. 18/09/2024

Maths Support

These learners are working on number skills from 0 - 20. Specifically today we worked on counting forwards and back, using a number line to find the next number and using our number lines to find numbers missing from sequences. To assess progress we used written and verbal questioning. To support our learning we used supports like number lines and concrete materials, today we used cubes! 18/09/2024

Skip counting in tens

Both adding and taking away.

Up and down the 100 square

Some of us are starting to use the patterns in the unit column.

Writing Support

P6/7W are currently focusing on progressing in writing by using openers (Last summer..., Surprisingly..., Finally...) to add quality. SFL support here involves working with groups and individuals to support their growth towards independent, successful writing. Here we can see substitution tables, a support material where writing elements are arranged in a logical format to support learner choices in how to improve their writing. 18/09/2024

Phonics Support

Today SFL worked with a group on "u". Here you can see the learners with the "u" stickers they have made. Soon we will assess progress in these learners and challenge their phoneme knowledge to continue their progress. 18/09/2024

Maths Support

These learners are learning to "skip count" jumping over other numbers to counts in chunks. Times tables are the most obvious examples of this but here we are looking at the patterns and relationships when we skip count in 10 starting from any number between 0 and 100. For example, 23, 33, 43 etc. Noticing and understanding these relationships opens deeper and broader understanding of future maths concepts and also builds confidence in learners as they learn "short cuts" in calculation. 17/09/2024

Reading Support

Some of our younger readers being supported to read for understanding, find information, and record it accurately - an important skill! 17/09/2024

Reading Support

Reading is an important part of literacy, using the phonics skills we teach and supporting progress in writing. In this reading group we were linking to our writing learning and targets around punctuation. Specifically we made our reading come alive by altering our expression depending on what the punctuation was telling us. It was a lot of fun doing the voices! 17/09/2024

Reading Support

Supporting reading at home can be as simple as sharing a story - maybe even one that comes from the free BookBug bags! The friendly librarians at Kincorth Library have a close relationship with the school and can find free, exciting books to borrow for any learner! 17/09/2024

What a bad dog!

We learned what an exclamation mark was!

He was a good dog really though!

Ask us about exclaimation marks!

Phonics Sessions

SFL work with lots of learners on phonics in short, intense sessions. We learn about the letters that make the sound, how to make the sound with our mouths, how to read the sound, write the sound and use it in words. 17/09/2024

Phonics Sessions

We made stickers with the phoneme we learned about today. This form of communication helps the learners to create something great with their phonics knowledge and also invite staff, pupils and families to ask them about their sticker and let them share their knowledge. 17/09/2024

Maths support

Maths and numeracy skills are very important for life and Lochside ASG is making a lot of effort to improve our numeracy attainment.  Our current maths topic is Patterns and Relationships. In this photo SFL staff are working with learners on numbers within 20. By counting forwards and back, using number lines and finding the next or prior number learners are learning the skills needed in all other areas of maths. Counting things is often enjoyable for children from young ages and can be done anywhere, anytime without special training or equipment. 16/09/24


Using the "show-me" boards like the big children do!


What was the next number?

Writing Support

As part of our school's exciting work on writing, SFL have the important job of working with learners during writing lessons. We help by producing resources, teaching learners to use support materials, and assessing their work to give them feedback on meeting their targets. 16/09/2024

Phonics sessons

One of the common tasks we support with in SFL is teaching our learners phonics - the sounds that make up language and how they connect to graphemes - the letters, and digraphs - groups of letters that make a sound (like when 'ow' makes an O sound in snow).

We do this using flashcards, saying the sound by forming it correctly with our mouths, practising writing the letters, reading words with that sound and drawing pictures to go with them. 16/09/2024

Mr Warner's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 10)

For Jack (P4) for showing really good focus and motivation in all his sessions this week .

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 10)

For always showing a positive attitude during  our sessions and trying her best. Well done Superstar!

Mr Warner's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 9)

For her focus and enthusiasm in our sessions this week.

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 9)

For always coming to SFL motivated, ready to learn and keen to help his friends!

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 8)

For always showing enthusiasm and respect during our SfL sessions. Well done you star!

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 7)

To Keiran (P5) for being successful and meeting his reading targets!

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 4)

For his fantastic imagination during our writing slot this week!  

Learners in P1/2 have been working hard to create and write CVC sentences all by themselves! We even had a CVCC challenge word and they aced that! Well done Molly, Noah and Niamh! 

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 3)

For all of her effort and motivation during our sessions! 

This week so far in Support for Learning, Mary in P3 has been writing about her favourite story and film 'Alice in Wonderland'.  We mind-mapped some of our favourite characters in the story ahead of writing about them next week! Well done Mary, this is WONDERFUL!

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 2 Wk 6)

For not only caring for this place in SfL but all over the school!

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 2 Wk 5)

For being motivated, Challenged and Successful in all his learning!

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 2 Wk 4)

For his enthusiasm to learning in every session this week! 

Today P5 were focusing on the 'y' sound during our spelling session this morning. To practice, we mind-mapped, created words and sentences and played a game of bingo. Lots of enthusiasm and hard work during this session! Well done P5

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 2 Wk 2)

For achieving so much and reaching her full potential during her time at SfL! 

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 2 Wk 1)

For exceptional effort to uplevel his writing!

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 1 Wk 8)

For always showing motivation during our sessions! 

During our session, learners from P1/2 were focusing on CVC words and tried hard to read, write and illustrate some words they had been working on.  

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 1 Wk 7)

For showing cherry on the top effort towards his learning! 

Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 1 Wk 6)

For showing enthusiasm and challenging herself in SfL!

 Learners from P5/6  were practicing reading their Common Words whilst also practicing their Jenga skills by playing Common Word Jenga and had to be careful not to let the tower fall! It was challenging but lots of fun! 


At Abbotswell we are fortunate to all have access to our own Chromebook devices. This means anyone can make the most of the Read&Write toolbar to support their learning. For more information on the toolbar check out this ThingLink or Read&Write Quick Reference Guide. 

Superstar of the week! ⭐

I have been given this lanyard to wear, because Miss Smart is excited to share, that I've worked so hard and that makes me unique, because I am her superstar learner this week!

Each week in Support for Learning someone is chosen as the Superstar of the week for demonstrating the MEERKAT values during our sessions. They get presented with a certificate at assembly and a lanyard to wear for the whole of the following week.   

Ice Cream Parlour of Effort

In Support for Learning we always want to be giving 100% Effort. To help us do that, we use the Ice Cream Parlor of Effort display to identify what 100% Effort looks like!  Ask us about this 🍦 😊

We all have our own spoon with our name on it that we place on the ice cream display before and after each session, encouraging us to take leadership for our own learning! 

How can I be the Cherry on the Top in Support for Learning?

In Support for Learning we have lots of tools, resources and strategies such as our Helpdesk to help you when you get stuck, and by independently using these strategies we can be the cherry on the top! 

Mr Warner's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 7)

To Tyler (P4) for showing determination and enthusiasm to complete all his tasks in his sessions. 

Miss Smart's Superstar of the week! ⭐ (Term 3 Wk 7)

To Keiran (P5) for being successful and meeting his reading targets!