
This page includes material waiting to be developed/checked - doesn't appear on main navigation

Mail settings:

Different Inbox layouts

  Multiple InBoxes

  Unread / and Read 

  Priority inboxStars (different levels, urgent )

  Invitations to meetings

  Drag and Drop attachments

  Setting "out of office" auto-reply messages for people that work part time. Repeating.

  Using canned responses - including for multiple signatures

Steve Dotto on Doodle

Good overview but not Google/UoY specific enough:

Archive V Delete & Conversation view

Mail merge 

8mins (slightly involved) on creating a Mail Merge entirely within a Google Spreadsheet. Very customisable 

Using Labs

Preview pane Lab

Signature tweaks

Moving chat to the right

Create document from an email



Creating from emails

Creating within tasks

Editing - eg setting dates, different lists etc

Contacts - creating a list

4mins that starts slow, but covers using tasks and attachments from within email.

Gmail notifier

Run advertised programs

Makes mail links from IE etc open up GMail

Setting Firefox to use GMail for mailto links etc: