Denslow, Martin

Martin Denslow (1745-1817) lived in the Pine Meadow section of Windsor. Today, this area is known as Windsor Locks. In 1775, he volunteered with other Windsor men to support the "Lexington Alarm" and then continued to serve in the Continental Army for the rest of the Revolutionary War. After the war, he joined the Society of the Cincinnati and worked as a farmer in Windsor. Around 1811, he moved to Granville, MA where he died in 1817 after falling from a wagon.

Document: Document certifying the enlistment of Martin Denslow of Windsor, CT into Captain Abner Prior's Company of the Continental Army. Denslow agrees to serve for a term of three years and received thirty pounds from the Town of Windsor for helping to fill the town's quota of men. Signed May 20, 1777 by Capt. Abner Prior.

"Enlistment of Martin Denslow of Windsor, Connecticut into the Continental Army, 1777." Connecticut State Library: Treasures of Connecticut Libraries. Windsor Historical Society, Windsor, CT, 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. <>.

Whittemore, Henry. "The Heroes of the American Revolution and Their Descendants: Battle of Long Island." Google Books. Heroes of the Revolution Publishing Company, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. <>

Denslow Obituary in a list of obituaries from the Connecticut Courant, November 4, 1817.

Denslow Property Named on 1798 Map in Pine Meadow, today's Windsor Locks.