Lebanon Green

More than one significant event happened on the Green and in the governor's War House in Lebanon, CT. There was the encampment of Lauzun's Legion, the cavalry unit of the French army led by General Rochambeau, as well as overnight visits by General Washington. After reading through the following web sites, it shouldn't be a surprise why they call the Lebanon Green the "Heartbeat of the Revolution".

Investigate the following web pages to gather more information on the events that occurred in Lebanon, CT.

Town of Lebanon: Trumbull http://www.lebanontownhall.org/trumbullheartbeat.htm

Connecticut History.org http://connecticuthistory.org/towns-page/lebanon/

Connecticut History.org Video: Connecticut's Cultural Treasures: Lebanon Green

ICONN: Lebanon, Connecticut http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=21020378&site=eds-live

YouTube: War Office: Lebanon, CT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghCPiB-NyHA

Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution "Trumbull War Office" http://connecticutsar.org/historic-sites/trumbull-war-office/

Altimari, David. "Lebanon 'War Office' Played Central Role In Revolutionary War Planning." Tribunedigital-thecourant. N.p., 23 May 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2015. <http://articles.courant.com/2014-05-23/news/hc-250-lebanon-war-office-20140523_1_trumbull-council-meetings-hartford>.

Lebanon Historical Society, Planning Your Visit, Lebanon During The American Revolution. http://historyoflebanon.org/planningvisit/americanrevolution.htm