D. Nathaniel Hayden Jr., Provisions List, 1780

Captain Nathaniel Hayden, Jr. led a group of 42 soldiers from Windsor to West Point, NY in the summer of 1780. In order to feed themselves, they needed pork, beef, salt, and flour. The Town of Windsor gathered these provisions from Windsor residents including 389 pounds of pork, two live beef cattle (one weighing 450 pounds and the other 600 pounds), as well as eight quarts of salt, 462 pounds of wheat flour, and 462 pounds of rye flour. It was hoped that this would last the 42 men for an engagement lasting 22 days.

Transcription of Upper Half:

Windsor June 27th Day of ADom 1780

Then I the Subsriber Nathaniel Haydon Junr Captain of a Company of Militia Now on their march to the West Pont in the Stat of New York by Order of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut Did Received of the Select Men of the Town of Windsor the Quantity of Three Hundred & Eighty Nine Pounds of Clear Pork without bone, and Two Live Cattel the one Judgd to Weight Six Hundred and also Eight Quarts of Rock Salt and Also [scratched out] four Hundred and Sixty Two Wt of Wheat flower and also four Hundred and Sixty Two Wt of Ry flower all for the Rations or Allowance for fourty two men of the Company under my Command for Twenty two Days. Said 42 Men Belonging to the Town of Windsor

Recd by Me Nathanl Hayden Junr Captn

Lower Half turned upside down:

Contains the names of Windsor men who supplied pork, beef, and flour and the corresponding amounts.

Document owned by the Windsor Historical Society.