Bissell, Israel or Isaac Bissell?

Start with this article: "The True Story of Bissell's Ride in 1775"

Is this the truth or a legend?

Israel Bissell was born in East Windsor, CT in 1752. He was a post rider who alerted

colonists of the British attack at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. He rode

for four days and six hours covering the 345 miles from Watertown, MA to

Philadelphia along the Old Post Road, shouting "To arms, to arms, the war has

begun," and carrying a message from General Joseph Palmer which was copied at

each of his stops and redistributed.

Below is information from some other online sources. However, we are not sure who has checked the facts.

Try to figure out what might be true and what might be false in the articles below.

Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Find A Grave

Constitution Facts: The Five Riders