What a race!

Post date: Oct 18, 2011 1:18:48 PM

What a wonderful time we had yesterday at the Carlisle Invitational. Our runners performed well and more importantly we represented ourselves with class and sportsmanship. The Carlisle Invitational is a special race and a reward for hard work, commitment and determination. Now let’s keep it up as we head into the homestretch of our season.

Results are now posted at this site http://www.coolrunning.com/results/11/ma/Oct17_Carlis_set1.shtml

A reminder that we have a big tri-meet on Thursday and we will be having 2 big events on top of that race...

1.) A Team Picture. Please be ready with your uniform on at 2:45. Mrs. Kinsman will be taking our picture outside and we would like to have as many people there as possible.

2.) After the race, we would like to have a party to celebrate. Please remind your parents to email Mr. Bushey if you plan on bringing a treat or drink to the party. I have only heard from a handful of parents thus far so please get the word out so we have plenty of things to offer on Thursday. We also need cups, plates, napkins, etc. so anything you can do to help would be appreciated.

See you at practice today...

Coach Bushey