Down the Stetch We Come!

Post date: Oct 17, 2012 12:34:49 PM

Big Events coming! Our final home race is tomorrow (Thursday). We are looking forward to a big turnout both for our race and the after party. Thank you so much to everyone that has volunteered so far to bring items. We could not do it without you!

Our Invitational is officially set for next Thursday October 25th. It is in Walpole at Adam's Farm. You can find the address in the Events Calendar section by clicking on the Event. We will be inviting 20 boy and girl runners to this race. Invites will be based on a number of factors including seniority, practice and meet attendance, teamwork and results. Rosters will be posted on Friday. IMPORTANT, if you are selected and cannot commit to this race, please notify the coaching staff ASAP so we can fill your spot with someone else.

There will be open practices on Monday and Tuesday for everyone, so even if you are not racing and you want to get a workout in, feel free to attend.

Looking forward to a great final week!

Let's finish STRONG!

Go Bulldogs...

Coach Bushey