The homestretch....

Post date: Oct 13, 2011 6:11:56 PM

Hey everyone. Tough break today with the weather. I inspected the course and there were a few places that myself, Coach Marchbanks and our athletic director Mr. Richards felt were not safe for runners. Hopefully, we will be able to make up the race. Stay tuned...


I cannot believe we are already at the end of the season. We have had so much fun working with all of your children. Thursday Oct. 20th is our last home meet and we will be taking a team picture. We would love as many of our runners to compete as possible. Last year a few parents decided to bake some goodies to celebrate our final meet of the season. It was a nice way to send everyone off. If anyone would like to bring a baked good, drinks, or anything else please let me know by sending me a quick email. We may also need a folding table to put everything.

I can’t thank you enough for your support of the Cross-Country Team. We are so lucky to have parents who see the value in our after school sports program.

Finally, a few other announcements.

The Carlisle Invitational is Monday. For the roster, check below. Students attending will be dismissed at 2:15. The first race begins at 3:30. There are 4 races in total (Boys Varsity, Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and Girls JV). For more information on the race check out the website for the Carlisle Invitational right here:

We hope to see you there.

Finally, remember to get your order forms for shirt orders to me by tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the last day to turn order forms in.

Have a great rest of the week and a relaxing weekend.

Here's to a great rest of the season.

Go Bulldogs!

Coach Bushey