
😱😱😱 MIDTERM 😱😱😱

What does ____ know about me?

Pick some digital entity you use and try to imagine what they might know about you from the intersection points of the data you're giving them. Think beyond the obvious. Like when you are offline as much as on. Location. Camera. Mic.

think about the type of information they could know and how you could display this in an interesting but quantifiable way, aka infographic, but think interesting graphs (bar and pie charts are not inherently interesting).

Wireframe out your ideas (document the wireframes, all of them) bring the final to class in either digital or hand drawn form.

pick a color palette bring it to class (i recommend this being digital)

If you have assets you'd like to use (images, icons, gifs) collect them.

next week we will make the mock up in class. NOT the code.