Saving Buster

by Barbara A. Donovan

Genre: Realistic Fiction - has characters and events that are like those in real life

Reading Skill: Conclusions

Strategy: Question

Essential Question: How can children and adults learn from each other?

Student Objectives:

  • Use details to draw conclusions and demonstrate understanding of a text.

  • Ask questions, before, during, and after reading to check understanding.

Review Vocabulary

worried: uneasy or anxious

certainly: surely

raise: to collect

afford: to be able to pay

applause: clapping meant to show appreciation or enjoyment

anxiously: with worry or eagerness

dramatic: exciting

guided: led or steered in the right direction

ingredients: parts of a mixture

fetch: to go after and bring back somebody or something

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures
