A Tree Is Growing

by Athur Dorros

Genre: Informational Text - gives factual information about a topic

Reading Skills: Text and Graphic Features and Domain Specific Vocabulary

Strategy: Question

Essential Question: What are some differences among types of trees?

Student Objectives:

  • Use text features to locate and understand information.

  • Use graphic features to demonstrate understanding of text.



pollen: tiny yellow grains made by flowering plants

store: to put away for later use

clumps: groups or bunches of things, especially plants and dirt

passages: narrow paths or channels

absorb: take in or soak up

throughout: all the way through

coverings: the outsides of things, usually serving as protection

spines: sharp, pointy growths

tropical: having to do with the warm areas of the Earth near the equator

dissolve: to seem to disappear when mixed with liquid

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures