The Albertosaurus Mystery

by T.V. Padma

Genre: Informational Text - gives factual information about a topic

Reading Skill: Drawing Conclusions, Text Features

Strategy: Visualize

Essential Question: What can fossils tell us about the past?

Student Objectives:

  • Use text features to draw conclusions and demonstrate an understanding of the text.

  • Use text evidence to visualize what the author describes.



fossils: very old traces or remains of plants or animals

clues: things that help solve a mystery or problem

remains: what is left

prove: to show by using facts

evidence: facts that lead to a conclusion or help people find out what is true

skeletons: frameworks of bones inside or outside of bodies

uncovering: opening to view

buried: covered up

fierce: very wild and dangerous

location: place where something is

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures