Destiny's Gift

by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley

Genre: Realistic Fiction- has characters and events that are like those in real life

Reading Skills: Understanding Characters and Story's Message

Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate

Essential Question: Why is volunteering good for a community and its people?

Student Objectives:

-Describe characters and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

-Engage effectively in collaborative discussion.



afford: to be able to pay

customers: people who buy something at a store

contacted: got in touch with someone

raise: to collect

earn: to get something by working

figure: to work out by thinking

block: the section of a street between two other streets

spreading: stretching something out

Online Practice Resources:

Quizlet Vocabulary or Quizlet Vocabulary - with pictures

BrainPOP Run-On Sentences

BrainPOP Sentence Fragments