Sarah Plain and Tall

by Patricia MacLachlan

Genre: Historical Fiction - a story that is set in the past

Reading Skills: Story Structure and Point of View

Strategy: Monitor/Clarify

Essential Question: What was life on the prairie like for the pioneers?

Student Objectives:

  • Describe the characters, setting, and plot of a story.

  • Determine how a character's actions can affect the sequence of events within a story and the story structure.



prairie: a treeless, grass-covered plain in the Midwest

slick: having a smooth, glossy, or slippery surface

fetch: to go after and bring back somebody or something

clattered: made a loud rattling noise

sniff: breathe in through the nose to see how something smells

rough: having a bumpy, knobby, or uneven surface

batted: struck at something

thumped: hit in a way that made a loud dull sound

buzzing: making a low, humming sound

rustle: a swishing or soft cracking

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures