The Harvest Birds

by Blanca Lopez de Mariscal

Genre: Folktale - a story that was first told orally

Reading Skills: Conclusions, Literal and Nonliteral Meanings

Strategy: Infer/Predict

Essential Question: What do traditional tales tell readers about life?

Student Objectives:

  • Draw conclusions about the events and characters in a story.

  • Use conclusions to predict and infer the message of the story.


harvest: the ripe crops that are gathered

separate: divide into groups

ashamed: feeling guilty; sorry, or embarrassed

borders: the edges of a place

advice: ideas or suggestions about what someone should do

borrow: to use something that someone else owns and return it later

patch: a small piece of land

serious: not playful or silly; not joking

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures

BrainPOP Punctuation