The Power of Magnets

by Barbara A. Donovan

Genre: Expository Nonfiction - to explain or inform a reader about a certain topic

Reading Skill: Cause and Effect

Strategy: Summarize

Essential Question: How would your life be different without magnets?

Student Objectives:

  • Describe the relationship between causes and effects.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of a text by summarizing.

Review Vocabulary

research: careful study of a subject or problem

tools: things people use to help them do a job

familiar: well known from being seen often

gadget: a small, useful machine or device

invention: an original device, system, or process

experiment: a test to find out or prove something

electric: powered by electricity, a form of energy caused by the motion of electrons and protons

power: strength

prove: to show by using facts

improve: to get better

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabulary Quizlet with Pictures