Pop's Bridge

by Eve Bunting

Genre: Historical Fiction - a story that is set in the past

Reading Skills: Story Structure, Compare and Contrast

Strategy: Infer/Predict

Essential Question: Why is everyone's role on a project important?

Student Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast the main characters in the story.

  • Explain how characters' actions contribute to the story's sequence of events.

  • Use text evidence to infer and predict what will happen in the story.



crew: a group of people doing work

tide: the rise and fall of the sea

cling: to hold tightly to something

balancing: keeping steady

foggy: filled with thick mist or low clouds

disappears: passes from sight

stretch: to spread out

excitement: the feeling of being stirred up

Online Practice Resources:

Quizlet Vocabulary or Quizlet Vocabulary - with pictures

BrainPOP Nouns

BrainPOP Jr. Nouns