The Foot Race Across America

by Rob Hale

Genre: Narrative Nonfiction - gives information about a topic but is told as a story

Reading Skills: Main Ideas and Details

Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate

Essential Question: How does having a goal help people succeed?

Student Objectives:

  • Determine the main ideas and explain how details support them.

  • Analyze and evaluate details in narrative nonfiction.


Review Vocabulary

principal: the leader of a school

proud: pleased with yourself or someone else

announced: made known

advice: ideas or suggestions about what someone should do

loyal: faithful

ability: skill

absorb: take in or soak up

loveliest: most beautiful, most delightful

compete: to try to do something better that others

approached: came near

Online Practice Resources:

Vocabulary Quizlet or Vocabuary Quizlet with Pictures
