2022-23 School Year

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023:

Today was Thomas Schlotzhauer's birthday.  Mr. Ho invited Siara Dolatshahi to play a birthday song with her piano for Thomas.  We all wished Thomas a very happy birthday.

2022-23 Thomas Schlotzhauer's Birthday (June 13th).mov

Friday, June 9th, 2023:

Today was Rylan Hicks' birthday.  Mr. Ho arranged his students to sing a happy birthday song to Rylan.

2022-23 Rylan Hicks' Birthday Song (June 9th).MOV

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023:

This was the last class for the formal Thinking Classroom lesson.  The randomized group for this Thinking Classroom lesson was determined by the arm wrestling between the twin brothers, Aaron Kleiman (left) vs. Charlie Kleiman (right).

2022-23 Arm Wrestling between Aaron and Charlie Kleiman 1.MOV

Round 1 of Arm Wrestling: Aaron Kleiman (left) vs. Charlie Kleiman (right)

2022-23 Arm Wrestling between Aaron and Charlie Kleiman 2.MOV

Round 2 of Arm Wrestling: Aaron Kleiman (left) vs. Charlie Kleiman (right)

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023:

Today was Francesco Intrieri's birthday.  Mr. Ho invited his grade 12 students (Siara Dolatshahi, Luke Martin, and Anika Sood) to sing a birthday song to Francesco.

2022-23 Francesco Intrieri's Birthday Song (June 6th).MOV

Friday, May 26th, 2023:

Bowen Zhu and Mr. Ho were playing the rock-paper-scissor game to determine if Mr. Ho would give any hints to Bowen on what questions will be on the next MCV4U1 test.

2022-23 Bowen Zhu and Mr. Ho (Rock-Paper-Scissor).mp4

 Friday, May 19th, 2023:

LP's TEDx event is happening soon, and some of Mr. Ho’s Grade 10 students (e.g., Chloe Chan, Ryann Fineberg, and Mariam Jikineh) are organizing/speaking! This event is meant to uplift LP student voice through TED-like talks and feature them on the global stage. 

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023:

Today was Ryann Fineberg's birthday.  We all wish her a very happy birthday.

2022-23 Ryann Fineberg's Birthday Song (May 16th).MOV

Sophie Lehn is the Queen of Sudoku puzzles, and she won the tiebreaker game for the enrichment activity yesterday (Monday, May 15th, 2023).  Well done, Sophie!

Thursday, May 11th, 2023:

Today was Cultural Clothes Day at LPCI.  Mariam Jikineh (left) dressed in The Gambia's clothes, and Chloe Chan (right) dressed in Thailand's clothes.

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023:

Here was Chloe Chan's speech for running for co-president in the next school year at LPCI.

2022-23 Chloe Chan Running for Co-President.MOV

Photo: Nikolaos Panagopoulos (left) and Thomas Schlotzhauer (right) were having a fun arm wrestling race after intensive problem-solving in Mr. Ho's Thinking Classroom.

Thursday, May 4th, 2023:

"May the force be with you" on May 4th!

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023:

Today was Rein Roomeen's birthday.  Mr. Ho invited all of Rein's friends to hide somewhere in the classroom, and when Rein walked into the classroom, everyone sang a happy birthday song to him.

2022-23 Rein Rooneem's Birthday Song (May 2nd).MOV

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023:

Daniel Bondar (left) and Marcus Khaliullin (right) collaborated with each other and solved many max/min problems in today's MPM2D3 class.

Monday, May 1st, 2023:

Today was Siara Dolatshahi's birthday.  Mr. Ho and the whole class surprised her by singing a happy birthday song to her when she was writing the MCV4U1 test.

2022-23 Siara Dolatshahi's Birthday Song (May 1st).mov

Monday, April 24th, 2023:

Chloe Oborne has a talent.  She can write down 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841 without looking it up on a Google search.  This is called Chloe's power of pi.  Well done, Chloe!

2022-23 Chloe Oborne's Power of Pi.MOV

Friday, April 21st, 2023:

Today was Aaron Kleiman's and Charlie Kleiman's birthday.  Mr. Ho and all of their classmates wished them a very happy birthday.  

Everyone was happy for Aaron and Charlie because Aaron got a white iPhone 14 Pro and Charlie got a purple iPhone 14 Pro from their parents as their birthday gifts.

2022-23 Aaron's and Charlie Kleiman's Birthday Song (April 21st).MOV

Thursday, April 20th, 2023:

 Sophie Ribnitski drew Mr. Ho's favourite dessert on the vertical non-permanent surface (VNPS).  It is the banana split with 3 scoops of ice cream (i.e., strawberry, chocolate mint, and mango tango), whipped cream, and toppings (i.e., nuts and cherries).

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023:

In Mr. Ho's grade 10 enriched math class (MPM2D3), Ava Keller (left) and Sophie Ribnitski (right) were drawing artwork of a chef cooking ribs and a kettle below it.

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023:

Mr. Ho was very happy to see how precisely his grade 10 enriched math students drew parabolas on the vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS).

Mariam Jikineh (left) and Chloe Chan (right) were drawing the Cartesian plane very precisely using rulers.

Constantine Georgakis (left) and Luke Schuler (right) were drawing different quadratic functions using the step patterns.

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023:

Today was Chloe Oborne's champagne birthday (Mr. Ho's MCV4U1 student).  The entire MCV4U1 class sang a happy birthday song to Chloe and wished her a very happy birthday.  

Note: Chloe has many talents, and one of them is that she plays hockey competitively outside LP.

2022-23 Chloe Oborne's Birthday Song (April 18th).MOV

 Thursday, April 6th, 2023:

Today, Mr. Ho discovered his MCV4U1 student's special talent during his Thinking Classroom.  Ava Girling can write Math notes and solve optimization problems with her left and right hands at the same time.  She said that she was born with this talent with her left hand for drawing a diagram or graph and her right hand for writing Math equations.  Bravo, Ava!

Thursday, April 6th, 2023:

Today, Mr. Ho's grade 10 enriched math students were learning how to determine if a graph is a function or not by using the vertical line test (VLT).  Calla Schad drew a graph on the vertical non-permanent whiteboard for her classmates to determine if her graph is a function or not.

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023:

Yesterday (Monday, March 27th) was Anne Kimberley's birthday, but because yesterday was the MCV4U1 unit 3 test (curve sketching), Mr. Ho and his MCV4U1 students did not have the opportunity to celebrate with her.  

Today (Tuesday, March 28th), Mr. Ho invited an LP violin player, Ailish Chung, to play a happy birthday song for Anne.  We all wished Anne a very happy birthday, and we were glad that Anne received a birthday gift from her parents that would allow her to go to Spain for a trip.

2022-23 Anne Kimberley's Birthday Song (Mar. 28th).MOV

Friday, March 24th, 2023:

On Tuesday, December 20th, 2022, Mr. Ho introduced two twin brothers, Aaron Kleiman and Charlie Kleiman,  here and also created a Google Form for his students to guess who is Charlie and who is Aaron.  

Here are the updated pictures.   Both Aaron and Charlie were taking a rest after completing the intense quartic investigation project in MCV4U1.  Can you guess who is Aaron and who is Charlie?  Furthermore, can you guess which handwriting is Aaron's and which handwriting is Charlie's?

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023:

Today was Thomas Murzaku's birthday.  Thomas is now 16 years old, and he shared a secret with his classmates in the Grade 10 enriched Math class.  His secret was that he always got an A in Math, starting from grade 1.  He is a champion in Math for his entire life.

2022-23 Thomas Murzaku's Birthday Song (Mar. 22nd).MOV

Monday, March 20th, 2023:

Today was the first day back after the March Break.  Mr. Ho's grade 10 enriched Math students, Matthew Murray (black shirt), Daniel Bondar (blue shirt), and James Harkness (dark blue shirt), were so excited to come back to the Math class.  They expressed their enthusiasm for learning Math by doing 30 push-ups at the beginning of the class.  After that, they were all powered up and said: "Math is fun!"

Friday, March 10th, 2023:

Mr. Ho's math students in MPM2D3 were attention seekers.  When Mr. Ho was busy helping one group of students at the teacher's desk, his other students drew some artwork on his vertical non-permanent surface (VNPS) in his "Thinking Classroom" and included a picture of Mr. Ho in their artwork.  When the bell rang, all the students were gone within a split second and left their artwork on the VNPS for Mr. Ho with the message: "Math is fun!"

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023:

Today, Mr. Ho's MCV4U1 students were learning how to find the local maxima/minima.  Olivia Graham (left) and Blenda Bullatovci (right) took this concept and applied it to their beautiful artwork, as shown below.  Olivia's and Blenda's question for their classmates is: "How many local maxima and minima are there in their artwork?  Justify your answer by using the first derivative test and also state whether their artwork is a function or a relation only."

Friday, February 24th, 2023:

Many talented and well-rounded grade 10 enriched Math students such as Mia Stoula (left) and Jenna Janz (right) drew very beautiful artworks on the vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS) in Mr. Ho's Thinking Classroom.  Everyone was having a fun time after doing intensive problem-solving in Mr. Ho's Thinking Classroom.  

Tuesday, February 14th, 2023:

Mr. Ho's grade 10 enriched Math students, Jenna Janz (left), Sophie Ribnitski (middle), and Mariam Jikineh (right), were demonstrating their Math and artistic skills in the class today. 

Friday, February 10th, 2023:

Today was the birthday of Mr. Ho's grade 10 enriched Math student, Constantine Georgakis.  Mr. Ho and his grade 10 enriched class celebrated Constantine's birthday by singing a happy birthday song to Constantine.  

Grade 10 Constantine Georgakis B-Song.MOV

Thursday, February 2nd, 2023:

Today was the last day that Mr. Thomas was at LPCI.  He got a teaching job at a high school in the Waterloo Region District School Board, which is closer to his new home.  Here is a picture of Ms. Lai, Ms. Cherny-Halford, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Ho (from left to right) having a farewell party for Mr. Thomas.

Monday, January 23rd, 2023:

Mr. Ho's two Grade 9 Math students (MTH1W1), Julia Condeco (left) and Melina Vochaiti (right), were trying to find the slope of Julia's Taekwondo side kick in the Math class.  They were having a great deal of fun applying the slope formula to measure the steepness of Taekwondo kicks.  Everyone was hoping and waiting to see Julia demonstrating her other Taekwondo kicks such as the turning kick, back kick, and hook kick in the next class.

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022:

Charlie Kleiman and Aaron Kleiman are two twin brothers at LPCI.  Charlie is the older brother, and Aaron is the younger brother.  Charlie likes to play video games and his favourite video game is NBA2K, while Aaron likes to play chess and his favourite chess opening is the Italian opening.  Their favourite subject at LPCI is Math.  Their picture together with Mr. Ho (middle) is shown to the right!  Can you guess who is Charlie and who is Aaron?  Click here to play the name guessing game!

Monday, December 19th, 2022:

Mr. Ho is a fashion icon, and his MDM4U1 student, Aimee Kamerman, got a phone case that is like Mr. Ho's sweater.

Thursday, December 15th, 2022: 

Two grade 9 students, Alec Bostan (left) and Ethan Abramovich (middle), challenged Mr. Ho (right) in chess at lunchtime.  Alec started to learn how to play chess in a chess club at the age of 10, while Ethan started to learn how to play chess from his father at the age of 7.  Alec's favourite chess opening is the Shilling Gambit, and Ethan's favourite chess opening is the Italian opening.   As shown in the photo to the right, Mr. Ho was cracking their openings with some brilliant winning tactics.

Thursday, December 15th, 2022: 

Mr. Ho's past Math student, Mesai James (left), visited Mr. Ho (right).  Mesai was studying in the undergraduate program of Life Science at the University of Toronto and felt well-prepared after taking Mr. Ho's Math courses at LPCI.

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022: 

Mr. Ho (right) and his MDM4U1 student, James Viola (left), were playing an intense chess game.  Both of them did not want to lose or end the game in a stalemate.  They would only accept one winner from this chess game. 

Monday, December 5th, 2022:

Mr. Ho and his students (Cole Miller (black shirt), Alexander Jakov (red shirt), and Chloe Chan (grey shirt)) were having a fun time playing table tennis every Monday after school in the cafeteria. 

Monday, December 5th, 2022:

Welcome to Canada, Irem Batmaz (Mr. Ho's grade 9 Math student)!  Irem came to Canada from Turkey and joined LPCI  in September 2022.  Today was her birthday.  Mr. Ho and his grade 9 Math students sang a birthday song to Irem.

Monday, November 28th, 2022:

Here is a short video clip of Mr. Ho playing the game of hammer time made by his grade 9 Math students,  Joshua Kimberley and Jacob Lang, for the charity week at LPCI.

2022-23 Mr. Ho in Hammer Time.mov

Thursday, April 28th, 2022:

Here is a short video clip of Mr. Ho singing a happy birthday song to and dancing for his grade 12 MCV4U1 student, Maeve Leclerc.  Maeve also got a new iPhone as a birthday gift from her parents on her birthday today.

2022-23 Mr. Ho's Singing and Dancing (April 28, 2022).mp4

Friday, April 8th, 2022: 

Mr. Ho created a fun desk guessing game through Google Forms for his students and colleagues to guess which desk in the Math office belongs to him.   The goal of this desk guessing game is to let his students and colleagues know more about Mr. Ho outside his Math classroom.  To start guessing, click here.