Table Tennis Club at LPCI

LPCI's Table Tennis Team

Core table tennis team members (from left to right): Chloe Chan, Ethan Abramovich, Luke Schuler, and Alec Sayevich-Issakov

LPCI's table tennis team (from left to right): Chloe Chan (Captain), Ethan Abramovich, Marcus Khaliullin, Salim Benjelloun, Leo Kadic, and Luke Schuler

LPCI's table tennis team (from left to right): Ethan Abramovich, Marcus Khaliullin, Salim Benjelloun, Leo Kadic, and Luke Schuler

2022-23 LPCI Table Tennis Award Winners

Photo: Chloe Chan is the 2022-23 LPCI Coach Award Winner for the table tennis club

Photo: Ethan Abramovich is the 2022-23 MVP of the table tennis club at LPCI

LPCI's Table Tennis Team Going for the Tournament

LPCI's table tennis team was waiting for the TTC bus.

LPCI's table tennis team was on the TTC bus.

LPCI's table tennis team was on the TTC subway train.

LPCI's Table Tennis Team at the Tournament

Chloe Chan (Team Captain)

Ethan Abramovich

Ethan Bukczynski

Luke Schuler

Marcus Khaliullin

Salim Benjelloun

Leo Kadic

2022-23 LPCI vs ACCI.MOV

LPCI's table tennis team was competing against Albert Campbell CI.

LPCI's Table Tennis Team Getting some Training