Sumatran Tiger

By: Tomas


Get ready and pack your things! Cause we’re heading for Sumatra to see the Sumatran tiger! I chose animal the animal because I thought they were interesting in had something in them to explain. For example did you know that a weird thing is that the Sumatran tiger has way more fur on their body than any other tiger?

Physical Characteristics

This hunting mammal’s scientific name is (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) Because of the mild weather

they have fur. There height is 60 cm which allows them to get them through tight spaces.They have very good length which is 8 ft. Something I help them in the world is that they have small bodies which allows them to get away and run fast. They also very dark stripes on their bodies which allows them to blend in with the grass. With their slick bodies they have very low weight 80 kg to 150 kg.

Facts: The Sumatran tiger’s stripes are darker and closer together than other tigers. Also males can grow up to 300 pounds! These animals get very cold winters so they have very though fur.


Their habitats are usually found in Wetlands, grasslands and forests. Their shelter are

caves or any

hole they can fit into.Since it is in Asia they have tropical weather is usually hot and wet. They usually

found in Indonesia, Borneo,and Sumatra.

Facts: Their habitat has a lot of tall grass and since they have small bodies that affects their habitats and what they eat.

Diet (food and ways they hunt)

One of the Sumatran tiger’s adaptations are that it actually can swim and…

it can actually can hunt better in the water plus it can also hunt bigger animals in the water. It can also will stay in there to stay away from predators. The Sumatran tiger’s usually eat monkeys , cattle, deer, wild boar, crocodiles and fish. They usually eat 40 pounds a day. But their predators are humans!

Facts: Because they can swim they are able to catch bigger animals like crocodiles. They look like they're slow, but they’re really fast. Because of their slender 8 foot length, they can actually sneak up on their prey very very quietly. Their prey cannot hear them or smell them coming. Since they have the dark black stripes on them and they have a lot of tall grass they can blend in with the shadows. Because they eat animals like fish or crocks they have the talent to swim very fast. They actually are better in the water because they can take on larger prey. For some reason Sumatran tigers have white spots on their ears to confuse their prey (Eye Spots). The reason they can swim is because they have webbing between their toes. They have very keen eyesight and dark black and orange stripes to camouflage. Because they have a small body they can run away from predators easily.


Since Tigers are mammals, the young are born through the mom’s stomach. Though almost three times smaller than the parents, they are a little lighter than them and the rest of their body is similar.

Image result for sumatran tiger cub feeding from the mom

The young eat whatever the mom or dad hunt for them but, just a little part of the prey’s body.


There are only Four or five hundred left! There are related to the Bengal Tiger, Siberian Tiger (Amber tiger), Indonesian tiger, and the South China tiger. Now they are protected in Indonesia.

Facts: Did you know that the Sumatran tiger is the smallest surviving tige

r ever. Plus all the tigers are the biggest feline ever!


Lynn M. Stone author of tigers the Zoobooks.