Hammerhead Shark

By: Landon

Oh hi! I didn’t see you there. I was just studying hammerhead sharks. Did you know that a hammerhead shark can weigh up to 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Now let's learn more.

Physical Characteristic

The scientific name of the hammerhead shark is sphyrnidae. Sphyrnidae can be 20 feet (6 m) and they are

usually gray.


They are found in hot spots.They are found in shallow and deep water. They are usually found in the tropics. They don't have a shelter.


They eat anything that come in its way. It eat as much as it wants. They are predators . It has good eyesight and smell.Their favorite food is stingrays.

Image result for stingray fish


They are born alive.They eat stingrays.they don't have a hammerhead yet.

Image result for hammerhead shark pups


They stay in groups called schools. Did you know that there are nine different kinds of hammerhead sharks.

Image result for hammerhead shark
Image result for hammerhead shark
Image result for hammerhead shark


“Hammerhead Sharks - Hammerhead Pictures - Shark Facts - National Geographic.” National Geographic. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/hammerhead-shark/>