6-1 unplugged wip

In this unplugged lesson, students gain knowledge of procedures (or functions), through sport plays, songs and cup stacking activities.

CS Concept : Abstraction

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will:

    • Identify that a Procedure is piece of code that you can call multiple times, also know as a function.

    • Recognize that a benefit of a procedure is that you can reuse code, making the program shorter.


Procedure Slides

Student Handout


    • 12 Small paper cups for each student pair ( 2oz Dixie cups)



    • CSTA 2-AP-14: Create procedures with parameters to organize code and make it easier to reuse


Do Now (5 minutes)

Unplugged Project ( 45 minutes)

Concept Abstraction

Project (15-20 minutes)

Cup stacking Activity

Launch the activity by discussing robotics. To program a robotic arm we need to give a robot very specific instructions in a language the robot can understand.

Close-Out (5 minutes)

  1. What are procedures? Sequence of instructions that can be called on to do a certain task, eg Chorus, eg Dip and Roll, eg. MoveArm4

  2. Why are they useful? Code is shorter. Code is more readable.

Close-Out (5 minutes)

Potential Responses