3-1 Conditions Unplugged

This unplugged lesson, introduces the conditional statements: If; If-Else, using either a Card or Dice activity.

CS Concept : Conditional

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will:

          • identify conditional statements If and If-Else.

          • practice using conditional statements.



    • CSTA 2-AP-12: Design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including nested loops and compound conditionals.


Conditional Statements

Conditional statements allows decision making to occur in a program.

IF and IF-Else statements evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE.

Point out to students, decisions they make each day using conditions.
you are done with your work, read quietly.
IF warm outside, wear T-shirt; ELSE wear long sleeved shirt.

Unplugged Project ( 30 - 45 minutes)

Within today's Slides, teacher chooses from two alternative warmups and two alternative games

Warm-up choices

  • Choice A: RedLight-GreenLight

  • Choice B: If -backyard games.

Game choices

  • Choice A: Card Conditionals ( one deck of cards per two students)

  • Choice B: Dice conditionals (using greater than, less than operators).

Close-Out (5 minutes)

If and IF-Else conditional statements force the script to make a decision, to branch down one path or another. Only one, not both paths can be chosen.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

By Robert Frost.


  • Think of a game you have played recently. Can you think of some conditionals involved in this game?