2.6 Fish Choir

Students will use sound commands to sequence and repeatedly loop through notes and drumbeats.


OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will:

    • identify and recognize sound commands.

    • sequence sound commands

    • apply loop to repeat a sound pattern

    • illustrate good user interface design, by making objects change their appearance when clicked.



    • CSTA 2-AP-12: Design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including nested loops and compound conditionals.

    • CSTA 2-AP-16: Incorporate existing code, media, and libraries into original programs, and give attribution.


Do Now (5 minutes)

Careers in Tech (5 minutes)

Students watch the following video Made with Code: Wondagurl (1.31) and then respond to the following questions:

  1. What is Wondagurl's career advice?


Wondagurl uses "Mixcraft" to make her beats. Always have fun with what you are doing. Don't try to compete with the others, just enjoy doing what you love.

Mini-Lesson (5-10 minutes)

    • Show students how to add the extension music commands. Review music commands with students

    • Open starter project, look at the starter code for fish1, fish2, fish3 and Octopus to see examples of sequencing sounds, changing costume and looping.

    • Show students how to reuse code by by dragging code from one sprite to another. video

    • Show students how to name a sprite, (click on the i for information and rename) . It is good programming practice as it makes code easier to read.

    • Students use handout and starter project, to build a fish choir.

Project (20-30 minutes)

Close-Out (5 minutes)

Discuss the following questions:

    1. Why is a loop helpful?

    2. Why should you name sprites?

    3. What is a sequence?

    4. Why should you change the appearance of a sprite, when clicked.

    5. What was your favorite instrument sound?

Potential Responses

  1. It makes code smaller, which means it is easier to read and quicker to write, plus takes up less space in memory.

  2. It makes them easier to identify, which means code is easier to read and debug.

  3. Steps executed in order, one after the other.

  4. It is good feedback, user knows that click was received.

  5. Answers vary