F-1 Microbits

F-1 microbit exploration

In this lesson, students will explore the BBC Microbit, a tiny programmable computer.

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will:

    • identify the microbit as a tiny computer.

    • recognize the microbit inputs, micro-processor, and outputs.

    • observe that the microbit translates from a programming language to .hex file made up of numbers from 0-9.

    • write a program and download it to the microbit.


Do Now (5 minutes)

    1. Watch the video Introduction to the Microbit (2:11)

    2. Discuss:

    • What is the Microbit?

      • What can it do?


    • it is a tiny computer.

    • light up an LED display, a guitar, a flick soccer game, water your plants. Take pictures, control your music player.

    • bridges the gap between hardware and software for students. Students write code on a laptop and download it to the microbit in machine readable form. The microbit can then be disconnected from the laptop and can work as a tiny computer, with an attached battery pack.

Mini-Lesson (5 minute Demo)

Demonstrate to students how the microbit works. microbit Quick Start Guide.

Write a simple program. See video on student page.

    1. Connect it:

      • Attach microbit to a computer using a USB cable.

    2. Program it:

    • Go to microbit.org

      • Click: "Let's Code" at the top of the site

      • Click the orange "Let's Code" button next to the JavaScript Blocks Editor

    • Drag and drop blocks, like in Scratch

      • Use the onscreen simulator on the left, to preview program

    1. Download it:

      • Download the .hex file to the microbit. The .hex file contains numbers 0-9. (Machine readable code).

      • Watch as light flashes on microbit, showing that the program is uploading to microbit

      • Explain the the microbit is a tiny computer. Show the microprocessor labeled on the back. You have downloaded your program. You can now disconnect from the laptop. The microbit will process your program and output the result. Try it out. (You need to attach battery power supply).

    2. Play it:

      • Turn the microbit into a useful stand alone device. eg. use craft materials to house your tiny computer.

    3. Explore further

      1. Can students create a simple project that changes the LED display on an event press button A or button B, or on start.

      2. Can students use the Shake code block?

      3. Can students display their name?

      4. What can students discover for themselves with the code blocks available?

Close-Out (5 minutes)

    1. Discuss the following questions:

      • Is the Microbit a standalone computer? Why or why not? (Yes, as it has inputs, processing power and outputs).

      • Name some inputs and outputs? (Inputs: Button A, Button B, Shake. Outputs:Leds).

      • Where do you find the microprocessor on the microbit board?

      • What were you able to discover after exploring the microbit?


Microbits have other Inputs and Outputs like light and temperature sensors, motion sensors like a compass and accelerometer, wireless communications like radio and bluetooth. Connect other devices to the microbit and get really creative. Find inspiration on their Ideas website.

Standards CSTA

    • CSTA 2-CS-02 :Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.

    • CSTA 2-CS-03 Systematically identify and fix problems with computing devices and their components.