2-10 Unit Recap

Debug Studio

Recap Slides

Unit 2.5 Debug Day

Check For Understanding

Check for Understandings assess student's mastery of CS concepts and common misconceptions. Read the Assessment Guide for more details about the research behind this work..

Google forms: Go paperless and auto-grade the assessment by using the Google Form version. (same content as the paper and pencil version)

  • Copy google form so the teacher is the owner, then share the new url to your class,. This way, the only students in your google form results, will be the ones in your class.

  • These tests are set up as summative assessments, using the quiz setting in Google forms.
    You can change the settings to make them more formative or collaborative, by changing the settings. eg. use the hint feature or remove the quiz feature.

10 minutes

Assessment Guide - learning goals targeted in this assessment.

Unit Vocabulary

    • Loop: repeat a sequence of instructions.

    • Initialize: to assign an initial (beginning) value to a variable or object (to reset).

    • Sequential : an ordered sequence of steps, one after another.

    • Frame: one still image/picture in a series.

    • Frame rate: Frequency at which frames in a television, movie or video sequence are displayed.

    • Bitmap: A digital image stored as a matrix of pixel squares. e.g. digital photographs

    • Vector Graphic: A digital image stored as mathematical equations for points, lines and shapes. Eg. digital illustrations and cartoons.



    • CSTA 2-AP-17: Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases.

    • CSTA 2-AP-15: Seek and incorporate feedback from team members and users to refine a solution that meets user needs.

Gallery Walk

Gallery walks are a peer assessment and celebration. Showcasing student work is a pedagogical strategy that increases peer to peer motivation.

Gallery walks can happen at the end of each project, or here at the end of the unit. Capture student feedback, so students can use it to improve their chosen project, or future projects. Feedback can be given informally via post it notes or more formally using rubrics associated with their chosen project.

Showcasing student's work increases motivation, joy and an understanding that there are multiple ways to write and express ourselves through code.