Meeting 13: 17 March 2015

Meeting Minutes

Date: March 17, 2015

Attendees: unknown

Cruise evaluation 353

353 Kirkpatrick

1. Software for alkalinity and chlorinity, LIMS? Take duplicate data.

Action: None, it’s a user issue – multiple attempts to upload

2. Does the spectrophotometer need an autosampler?

Action: On hold. There is a Gallery/GalleryPlus, but to even consider this more information is required. Consensus among the LWG members that this is not necessary and would even cause more problems.

3. The glove box in the cold room worked very nicely, but the cold room temperature can be a little out of control.

Action: None. This was an unusual situation because a chiller was down on this cruise. In usual cases, the crew informs the tech staff when a chiller will be offline.


4. The NGA injection method needs to have a repeatable mechanism.

Action: In progress. One NGA is being sent to shore via AF to solve the injection issue.

353 Yamamoto

1. Coulometer had some problems producing reliable data?

Action: None. Staff hooked up an N2 to it, which solved the issue. Most likely, the high demand for N2 flushing put strain on the generator.

2. Additional Cahn balance(s).

Action: None. One is enough. This is also a user issue.

353 Huang

1. Would like a Dedicated GC with FID for biomarker work.

Action: See discussion from last LWG meeting. We discussed again and the decision of the LWG remains the same. David heard feedback from management that supports the LWG decision. Kara will write up guidelines to distribute to science parties regarding this.

Additional issues

1. Should we discuss ending our support for PFT contamination testing?

Recommendation: Leaning towards phasing out support, but we need community and managerial input. Particularly helpful would be data from Rick Caldwell who was looking into this. Additionally, there will be a test on Exp. 355 on a less volatile compound, David will provide feedback on this.

2. New Barnstead RO system is inoperable.

Action: Completed. They are badly designed, take up more space and use different filters. All were sent home after Exp. 353 and will be returned to the vendor. We will continue using the old system until it is no longer supported.

3. Programmer updates.

Install new alkalinity software. David Fackler to work with Erik on this during Exp. 355

ICP Analyzer uploader comments – replicate numbers, correct parsing

New version of Mutt will be installed on CHNS PC during EXP355

4. Publications updates.

Need to officially exchange the new ICP User Guide. Chieh will provide this to Lorri

Document links