
Lab Working Group – Geochemistry and Microbiology Meeting Minutes

Date: Sept 13, 2013

Attendees: Peng, Julson, Bogus, Gray, Morgan, Houpt, Moortgat, Peters, Cannon

1. Review of EXP341 evaluation by C. März

Coulometer and Chlorinity are the only 2 analyses that have issues with saving results on the local hard drive.

a. Coulometer - user has to request save each time a result is generated. Currently, the save dialog window is not modal; therefore, it can be easily overlooked when user is switching between the Coulometer and weighing program [see comment under database/uploader]

b. Chlorinity - the results are saved into the local log file, but it is not easily accessible [also see comment under database/uploader]

2. C1/C2 ratio in LIMS

A request from the current expedition (346) that the C1/C2 ratio be saved into LIMS.

- It is the opinion of the LWG that this action is not necessary, as all components from both GC3 and NGA are saved in LIMS as individual data points. User can easily download these data into Excel and perform the calculation outside LIMS.

Gas Analysis Report (GAR) gives users a “quick and dirty” ratio plot for safety monitoring onboard the ship. As long as GAR is working properly, there is no safety or scientific need to store the calculated ratio in LIMS.

3. IC update

Metrohm IC was not functioning at the beginning of EXP346. The autosampler did not recognize any of the sample trays. After communicating with the vendor, a corrupted configuration file was found. Ship staff had to rebuild the parameter file, but the instrument is operational. However, cations are not being analyzed on the IC.

ACTIONS: We would like to see both cations and anions routinely analyzed on the IC as SOP on every expedition, regardless individual expedition request(s).

4. New instrument installation during tie-up

a. GCs: We will ship one new GC on Oct 1st to tie-up. Erik will install gas line and prep the area, and install this GC before he leaves the ship.

Current GC3 will remain operational until everybody is satisfied with the new GC. The second GC will remain here for training purposes, and will be shipped later to Subic Bay toward the end of tie-up

b. Carver press motorpak: Three digital motorpaks were purchased in July, they will be ship to tie-up when they arrive.

5. Database/Uploader issues

a. CHNS, SRA, XRD: worklist generator continuously accumulates a sample list

ACTION: add a feature to the worklist to enable canceling samples that are not going to be run

b. Coulometer: Upload can fail if the user switches applications (e.g., to the weighing program) before the dialog box appears indicating the data are saved – the pop-up is not attached to the app. It should preferably be front and center, and should not allow further activity until acknowledged.

ACTION: The save dialog window needs to allow the user to switch between the coulometer and weighing program as a routine operation. However, autosaving the result file to a local drive is a necessity.

c. Chlorinity: Bug. Upon starting the chlorinity observation, operators may switch to another application on the instrument host. When the chlorinity observation is complete, a dialog box is displayed which indicates the

analysis result. However, this dialog box is not modal - new operators are

confused by the behavior and lose data until the situation and work-arounds are explained.

ACTION: Although there is suggestion that the dialog should be prominently attached to the main chlorinity window. No front panel activity should be allowed until the result is acknowledged. However, the save dialog window cannot be sticky, as user has to switch between Coulometer and weighing program as routine operation.

Auto save the result file to local drive is a must.

d. Alkalinity: 3 issues – (1) Data precision (calibration) stored in local log file is completely at variance with what is actually uploaded in LIMS.

ACTION: This is a bug need to be fixed

(2) Login for this application is different than login for other LIMS app. Need consistency. User would not know if he/she is logged in until a result is produced and then cannot be saved in LIMS

ACTION: This is a bug need to be fixed

(3) Calibration file cannot be reloaded back into the program.

ACTION: This needs to be fixed, or a work-around created so that when rebooting the software or computer it will re-instate the parameters of the last known settings.

6. Additional updates (David Houpt)

a. The new Mettler balances purchased to replace Cahn did not produce acceptable precision during transit. New stages are ordered and will be modified. We will keep using Cahn balances; however, there is no longer service support for Cahn, if it is needed. So, we would need to find alternatives while trying to maintain the Cahns.

b. TOC/SRA/GC2 are not used routinely during every expedition. The issue is that every time we try to use it mid-cruise, there usually are some problems. ACTION: We would like to see these instruments fired up, calibrated and a test run performed at the beginning of each expedition as SOP.

7. Attached is a status report on all instrument documentation, provided by Lorri.

The following instruments need updated User Guides:

CHNS, GC2, Coulometer, TOC, new GCs, balances[KB1]

Might also be a good idea (and small task?) to simultaneously update the layout of instruments on the laboratories webpage, as there is a small disconnect between the image and the list of the available devices. This could produce some confusion for scientists[KB2] .

Geochemistry Technical Documentation (TechDoc) Update

Chemistry laboratory/instrument manuals status report


[KB2]But honestly, this is in such better shape than some of the other labs.