
LWG_Geochemistry/Microbiology meeting minutes

August 16, 2011

· Participant: Chieh Peng, Nicole Stroncik, Carlos Alvarez-Zarikian, Lisa Brandt, Mike Bertoli, Chris Bennight, Algie Morgan, Mike Cannon (MCS), Lorri Peters, Brad Julson, David Houpt, John Miller, Heather Barnes (JR), Erik Morrtgat (JR)

Items discussed and action assignment

1. Nicole will replace Joerg as the science lead

2. Review EXP335/EXP334

EXP334 evaluation discussion from last LWG meeting had 3 action items requiring re-visit after EXP335:

a. IC issue: failed to obtain high quality data for sulfate, reproducibility was worst than 10%, failed to obtain reliable baseline and calibration curve, and unreliable data for low concentration samples.

· Further investigation pointed the problem to expired and bad eluent. A new eluent cartridge has a shelf life of 6 month, and it is a high dollar item (~$1000/ea). We could probably extend the life of this cartridge up to one year. But a routine replacement should be in place to prevent future problems.

· ACTION: A defined maintenance schedule for all chem lab instruments and chemical inventory is needed, which needs to be carried out by the chem tech as part of SOP. Chieh will work with the chem techs to develop a PMS listing during tie up prior to EXP336

b. Nutrient analysis using DA was not satisfying and the old spectrophotometer was not maintained

· DA is function properly, the software is not user friendly, and therefore the scientists prefer not to use it.

· There is no plan to maintain the old Spectro 301. We are investigating a new spectrophotometer from Thermo, NanoDrop. It allows users to measure various chemical components with micro-volume (a drop of 50ul or less) samples or the traditional cuvette. The software is a window based program and user friendly. However, it requires manual preparation of the nutrient analysis.

· Currently, we plan to continue using DA for main nutrient analysis.

· ACTION 1: Investigate the possibility of modifying DA software to suit our need – David Houpt

· ACTION 2: Investigate the possibility of replacing the DA with NanoDrop Spectrophotometer – David Houpt

c. Ampulator was not operating properly due to lack of proper sized tray and operators error.

· To properly operate the ampulator, it requires propane and oxygen. A few users found it difficult and cumbersome to operate the ampulator. Suggestion is to have the manual acetylene torch onboard, so that the users have another option to seal the samples in ampules.

· The main key is to seal the ampules immediately after the samples are collected, regardless using the ampulator or manual torch.

· ACTION: To locate the acetylene torch and support supplies onboard – Brad Julson

Review of EXP335 operation

a. Mike Bertoli went through general operation during EXP335, 14 samples have been analyzed for ICP and CHNS.

b. High concentration of H2 was detected (+/-10%) in the samples on CHNS, which resulted in problems with peak separation. We do not have any method or proper column/trap to resolve this problem. One suggestion is to use various sample volumes to target measure the elements separately to obtain optimal result. Small sample volumes for high concentration elements and vice versa.

c. We do not suggest carrying a sulfur trap for unusual situations. The CHNS analysis is not an ephemeral measurement; the samples can be analyzed post-cruise.

ACTION: Keep IODP website updated on instrument status. Scientists need to request any instrument and/or parts pre-cruise if it is not our routine measurement

3. Chem lab countertop extensions

A power point slide show was presented with photos taken onboard showing all the new extensions and glass cabinets

4. New instrumentation – DA

Discussed in 2.b (see above)

5. Documentation/manual send to scientists pre-cruise?

An updated list of document status is shown and will be sent to all LWG members.

Lorri’s question was discussed if there is a need to send lab documentation to scientists pre-cruise. It was decided not to take this action. Scientists are often overwhelmed with pre-cruise information. The lab documentation will probably be ignored.

ACTION: Latest version of lab documentation will be put on ship server at beginning of each cruise. A link should be established on the ship’s web to allow access for all shipboard staff and scientists.

6. Microbiology supplies as inventory

Chieh explained to the group that most of the mbio supplies are being entered into our inventory system, AMS, as routine inventory items. This is to provide consistent vendor information on the items to avoid ordering similar products from various vendors.

7. LOI into LIMS

Heather enquired the possibility of loading LOI (Lost of Ignition) data into LIMS using balance or other software. Currently the LOI data is hand typed into a spreadsheet and loaded into LIMS. Hand typing data is a method we should avoid because it has a higher potential to introduce errors. Since the balance software has already recorded the weights pre and post ignition, it would be a better method to calculate LOI using the pre/post weight.

ACTION: Heather will submit a project to the Priority Project List

8. Hand held XRF future

The Hand held XRF was used during EXP330 and EXP335 with mixed reviews from scientists. We felt the reasons are a) lack of experience from the users, b) lack of proper calibration standards, c) heterogeneity of some of the recovered materials.

We determined that further method development is needed and a better training onboard for the main users, scientists, will be helpful.

ACTION: The hand-held XRF will remain on shore, Nicole will test and evaluate further. This instrument will be sent to the ship based on science request only until evaluation process is completed. The location onboard will be in the core lab and main users will be the assigned scientists (instead of the XRD technician).

9. ECCN and Schedule B for instrument

We are in the process of obtaining ECCN and Schedule B information for all our inventory items and property items. The ALOs are preparing spreadsheets base on vendor. Once the spreadsheets are completed, they will be divided up to all related staff to obtain this information.

10. FCL status

a. GC-MSD will remain on shore until special request from scientists

b. Carver Press leaking issue is still not solved. Further testing will be conducted onboard.

c. SRA will be set up and operational.