Meeting 11: 13 May 2014

Meeting Minutes

Date: May 13, 2014

Attendees: Bogus, Peng, Peters, Julson, Zarikian, Houpt

1. New Alkalinity program – Existing program doesn’t allow users to reload calibration file(s) after program/computer crash and it’s difficult to retrieve a saved calibration. New program should allow this.

The following changes are being made:

· No direct data uploads. No local password management. Data is written to an "upload file" and MUT handles passwords and data uploading (to be developed).

· No binary files! All Config, Rates, Data Log and Calibration files are in readable, editable text files.

· The user can set the file name and folder for the data log. The data log now captures all user events (calibration, standard and sample measurements) and marks the record as saved or aborted. There is still a built-in viewer but the user can open the file in Excel. Note, the data logger is not used for shipboard data entry but is a tool for the staff to log events.

· For entering and verifying samples against LIMS, there is a "web Tabular"-like list that allows the user to select the sample codes (text_id). This feature requires connection with LIMS. If this connection is not made, the user can manually enter the text_id and override the verification process and continue with the measurement.

· The User Interface (UI) has been simplified. Instead of one window that does everything, the program has been broken down into discrete sections based on the function in progress. The main UI is now just a small window with buttons that open the appropriate sub-windows.

*The 70s disco colors are gone and Dennis and Chieh have been retired from the splash screen. (can return by popular demand)*

· The drift determination method has been changed. Instead of only looking at the difference between the two end points of the span, it now measures the slope of a “best fit” line using all of the points within the span. This appears to be a more stable method and is not subject to data bouncing between two values.

· In the previous program, the mV value was the last measurement returned from the Titrino when the drift became stable. The program now returns the mean of the data measured in the span interval. This method will interpolate the last digit of precision when the Titrino is bouncing between two values.

· Standard correction value list is stored with the calibration data. A new calibration requires that the standard correction be re-determined.

ACTION:Review of new alk program by both crews before officially replacing the current version

2. Handheld XRF

The handheld XRF is currently being used on EXP350. Extensive sample preparation has been required and EXP350 scientists are writing up a protocol, including sample prep and operating procedures. Question(s) arose: (1) do we follow the current procedure without any official SOP, or (2) do we purchase a proper bench top XRF and develop a proper SOP.

Recommendationsfrom the LWG:

· For all future expeditions the handheld XRF will be a special request piece of equipment. It will remain a “quick and dirty” device that should not require extensive extra sample preparation and manpower.

· NO bench top XRF is needed

· Any discrete sample request will require SAC approval. Guidelines for the SAC approval procedure should include that the request does not require (1) extra material (can be combined with ICP or XRD) to avoid measurement redundancy and (2) manpower, unless scientifically justified.

ACTION:Review EXP350 protocol in the next full LWG meeting

ACTION:Update the special request instrument list on our web site to include: status, age, protocol (if applicable), and operating responsibility (tech support or not) – Lorri

3. End of year purchases

· Ashing furnace

· -86 freezer

· Barnstead water purification system (removing the unit from cold room, as it is not functional)

· Potential other items: titrator, coulometer, other maintenance.

No other recommendations.

4. Recommendations based on Cruise evaluations from 349

ACTION:Comparison of existing shipboard MBIO contamination tests, including PFT, microsphere, and background drilling fluid culture. Will require external scientist(s) participation.

ACTION:If scientists collect drill water for contamination testing, this LWG recommends that any fluid collected on the catwalk should be logged as fluid samples and as a child to a core in Sample Master. We rely on the Curation LWG to confirm and decide on the details.

ACTION:Develop a standard protocol of sample preparation, measurement and standards selection, for ICP sediment analysis, comparable to what exists for IW and rock.

*Recommendation of standards from Kara: 1) USGS-MAG1 (Gladney & Roelandts, 1988); 2) SRM2702 (NIST). It is recommended to develop this protocol during a tie-up period with our own staff or external scientist(s).

ACTION:Maintenance of MBIO equipment. Since we do not have consistent technical support in MBIO lab nor a dedicated MBIO scientist each cruise, the LWG feels that the LO/ALOs should take responsibility to maintain all equipment in the MBIO lab area. This includes all glove boxes, incubators, freezers, autoclaves, and accessories.

*Also post on the ship laboratories website that there is no assigned MBIO technician onboard the JR, so sajling scientists are aware.

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