
LWG Geochemistry

- Action item: fix Groupwise email addresses

- Kara

- Discussion of Juergen’s replacement

- Sediment geochemistry

- LIBS – vendor already visited; another visit scheduled third week of March

- Went over basics of the system

- Identified pitfalls and non-starters

- Bottom line: check it out, but to move forward, must justify

- Check with staff scientists after vendor visit

2. Change to GC manual injection

- 3 to 4 port valve modification

- autosampler issues – closer to old injection methods

- will give redundancy

- easier to shoot manually

- one on shore here now – 2-3 weeks

- second afterwards

3. MWICP results

- hard rock results aren’t great

- Ar free

- good for pore water

- but still not good enough precision

- Keep an eye on it but not feasible for now

4. Open action items

- NGA injection issue

- Recommendation for TOC analyzer is to have it fired up each port call.

5. Scheduling the next meeting

6. Sr issue of Gieskes issue

- EPMs aware & could mention to geochem group in beginning

- Chem techs mention during beginning of expedition when writing methods

7. Hamilton diluter

- Chieh looking into new one

- Lisa B. working with her

8. Metrohm nitrate/nitrite, ammonium

- third cruise in a row this was mentioned

- can adjust ours

- asked for pricing and a method

- Becky had brought it up

- will wait