Number Search

Create Your Own Number Search

All you need is a piece of paper, a ruler, a die, and something to write with.  Once you've created your game board, decide what number you'd like to search for, we recommend 6-10.  For this example, we searched for combinations of ten by finding two consecutive numbers (across or diagonal) that totaled ten. We like this game because you can decide the size of your game board and you can change the rules to create your own challenges.  Maybe you'll pick 3 numbers that add up to ten or use a die with more sides.   

Gather your materials.

Layout your game board.  We made ours 6 inches by 10 inches and marked off each inch.

Roll your die and fill the number in a square.  Keep rolling and entering numbers until your game board is full.

Here is our finished game board, now we're ready to play.