National Honor Society

The mission of the National Honor Society (NHS) is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character in the students of secondary schools. The Pierson High School chapter is an active organization, and represents an elite group of students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance and upheld a commitment to the values of the national association. Membership in NHS requires the following:

  • Maintaining a minimum 90% cumulative weighted grade point average
  • Performing community service each school year (one session of peer tutoring each week plus a minimum of five additional hours of community service each quarter)
  • Attending all Pierson NHS meetings (approximately two per month)
  • Abiding by the Pierson High School Code of Conduct
  • Setting a positive example for other students by demonstrating outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service

Juniors who meet the GPA requirement above and are willing to make the commitment to the integrity and values of the National Honor Society can submit an application packet to the NHS advisor Mrs. Stellato through Google Drive or via e-mail attachment to Complete packets must include:

  • The formal application filled out in its entirety
  • An essay
  • Two teacher recommendations (one of which must be from a core academic subject teacher)
  • A resume

Once your packet is submitted, it will be evaluated by the NHS committee based on the standards of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Those students approved for NHS acceptance will then get to take part in a formal ceremony honoring their accomplishment. For more information on the National Honor Society or to download an application, students should speak with Mrs. Stellato or visit her website.