
Each year a variety of both national and local donors give generous amounts of support to students. Scholarships are most often awarded to graduating seniors, but some are open to all high school students. Please review the categories below.  FOR THE 2023 LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS - CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom of this page! 

College Specific Scholarships: In addition to financial aid awards many colleges offer scholarships. Students should explore the individual college websites to learn about scholarships that may apply to them. 

National Scholarships: These are awards that are open nationally, and are often funded by large companies or organizations. They often require an application and many can be found online. Sign up for emails from one of the scholarship websites to get alerted to a potential award. Each award will have its own criteria so be sure to read the application and adhere to deadlines. 

Great online links include:

US Department of Labor Scholarship Bank 


Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation

Do not underestimate the value of a small scholarship. Each dollar adds up and students have been known to tally up a significant amount of scholarship money from these national scholarships. 

Local Scholarships: Long Island regional and local to the Sag Harbor community scholarship organizations notify Pierson that they will be giving out an award. Some of these scholarships are awarded via the principal's scholarship committee and all graduating seniors are considered for these awards. There is no application.  Many others awards require students to complete applications. Any organization that notifies Pierson that they are giving an award via an application is listed in a shared Google Folder. Students can search and read about these opportunities and download applications or stop into guidance for a copy. Requirements for each scholarship vary. Read the application thoroughly. If you have questions about your eligibility, contact the scholarship committee or donor. Click here for the list google drive.

Unofficial transcripts are available to students in Eschool portals. Many scholarships ask for letters of recommendation. Letters used for the college application process may not be used for scholarships. Please note that the Guidance office does not mail out scholarship applications on your behalf unless otherwise noted on the application. It is the student's responsibility to ensure timely delivery of an application and all supplemental materials. 

Please be aware that you should never pay a fee to obtain a scholarship or financial aid information! If an organization is asking you for a fee then it is most likely a scam!

Questions? Stop by the cousnseling office or email 

Class of 2023 Pierson Scholarship List