
I wanted kids to realize that math isn't just learning about 2,000 year old geometry and 400 year old algebra. I wanted kids to realize that math is alive and well, and there is new math being created every day as well.

I also wanted kids to know that inputting a value once to get the corresponding output isn't the end of the story either. The idea of iteration leads to some surprising results.

I shared with the kids the chaos game and the 3n+1 conjecture. The chaos game has a random process that leads to order, and the 3n+1 conjecture has an ordered process that leads to unpredictable results.

I then let the kids explore a cellular automata program which I wrote for them to use, based on John Conway's game of life. Kids were challenged to either discover new creatures, theorize possible creatures, or collect data on existing creatures.

Above, Abby and Pete are running the cellular automata game of life.

Above, Pete is trying to create theoretical creatures.

Above, Emily searches the creature board to see if she discovered a new creature.