Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farm system that is designed to better integrate the farm into the community. It began in the US in 1985 at Indian Line Farm in Massachusetts, and has grown to over 1200 CSA farms across North America.  Rock Dove Farm ran a traditional CSA from 2010-2012 when we decided to concentrate on our retail and wholesale outlets.  In 2013 we switched over to a pre-purchase plan with our CSA alternative that we called Farm Bucks .  This program has worked really well for our Farmer's Market customers, but we felt we were missing a connection to the community, so now in 2023 we are pleased to return to a traditional CSA format. 

Order CSA now - 24 weeks for $920 - Payment plan avaliable $440 down + $80/month

For week by week details, click here