the Language of Success

The Problem

The only way to fix this result is to produce steady acceleration over the 8 years of schooling as we have done successfully in Reading and Maths.

Our plan to accomplish the shifts described above, can be outlined in three parts:

1. Teacher Planning:

Teachers will all have Individual Action Plans which the respective coaches will interact with. These will form the nucleus of the Performance Management System for the year.

The School Management will prepare a whole school summary of performance in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Teachers will complete 6 monthly planning for Reading/Writing/Maths.

This will be followed up by a 5 week planning in Reading/Writing/Maths.

The criteria are to be seen in planning derived from the appropriate Learning Progressions.

The focus will be on: vocabulary development, effective sentences and paragraphs.

2. Pedagogical Content Development: [Teaching the Language of Success]

The Language of Success@ Pt England Term 1 2015


The ability to speak and write in English using the correct form for the occasion. Children will know how and when to speak and write in the formal register and have a vocabulary wide enough to enable the speaker to choose words that best support the message being delivered.


To raise the achievement in speaking and writing across the school to within or above the average measured by easTTle testing by the end of year 8. To do this we will need to accelerate the learning in each year.

Method / Components:

Explanation and direct teaching about objectives of the ‘Language of Success”

Literacy Cycle

Needs focused teaching and learning using assessment

Learning Outcomes with Success Criteria

Modelling of correct English grammar (conversation, classroom, schoolwide)

Modelling of writing process

Co-construction of writing in groups

Identifying elements in exemplars

Group Teaching

Reworking of children’s work


Consistent process

Direct teaching of correct grammar and vocabulary

Direct teaching of commonly used English structures or frameworks.


Curriculum integration

Listening to examples of quality literature



Regular reflection / evaluation (self. peer. teacher)

High expectations - in the classroom only Language of Success used

When incorrect grammar is used ... “ Try that again. “ SCHOOLWIDE

Oral Language: The Language of Success

Teacher always models the correct structure. Class practices.

English Language Structures; ( written on wall )



Requests - Please may I ...

Yes please

No thank you

I am going to ...

Questions: How can I... Please pass me... What do I need to do....

Answers: You can...

Speak in a sentences

Learn and use the correct grammar


was /were

have /has

He /she

Vocab Development (oral and written)

In the context of inquiry topic, pictures, photos and sentences, specific vocab within the "goldilocks zone" (just within the next learning level) is focused on at class and small group level. This extends awareness, understanding, and use, of new words, or groups of words, in children's oral and written language.

This vocab is

Displayed clearly in context

Defined and discussed

Use is modelled by the teacher

Used in different ways (oral and written) as a group

Practised independently by children

Oral Language Frameworks:

Teacher comment and then child response. These are regularly added to, displayed and practised.

e.g greetings in morning,

Good morning Andrew. How are you?

Good morning Miss Lavakula. I am fine thank you.

Excuse me Miss Walters, may I please go to the toilet?

Yes you may Nikora

Formal news/sharing (quality not quantity)

e.g 1 child share in L of S (may need to be co constructed) Can be recorded.

Reflections in afternoon. Use of expressions of feelings and emotions -(school wide weakness)

e.g Can use Thinkers keys/Hats to come up with reflections at end of day.

I am feeling excited about our picnic next week/proud of my tidy desk. Disappointed about.... upset, confused, embarassed,

Remember quality not quantity.

Evidence In class:

Current and past focus words in context displayed (word of the day etc)

Short Oral language sessions on Language of Success

Writing in Language of Success and either modelling, co constructing or reworking into Language of Success.

Wall display clearly stating that The Language of Success is expected for the Pt England Way.