2015 Targets

  • To make a shift of 1.5yrs in the 2014 year of learning for identified priority learners in every year level of the school against the NZ C Writing Standard

  • To make a shift of 1.5yrs in the 2014 year of learning for the students in the "Below Standard" band of achievement in every level against the NZ C Reading Standards

  • To make a shift of 1.5yrs in the 2014 year of learning for the students in the "Below Standard" band of achievement in every level against the National Mathematics Standards

  • To focus specifically on raising achievement across all NZ C Standards by 10% in Y3, Y5 and Y8

  • Continue the development of ‘Digital Learning’ to motivate our children & raise their achievement

  • Develop High Cognitive Engagement in every class

  • Develop ‘Visible Learning’ to lift learner empowerment